The Sussexes will not feature their children in either of their new Netflix shows

This past week has been tough for haters and Derangers. First we learned that the Duchess of Sussex will not use her Montecito mansion or her kitchen for her Netflix cooking show. Apparently, the production rented another mansion in Montecito for the filming. So no one will get to see inside the Sussexes’ ritzy mansion with eleventy billion bathrooms. Now the Sun reports that the two Sussex children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, will not appear in Meghan’s cooking show OR Harry’s polo show. This basically catnip for those conspiracist nutjobs who constantly demand to “see the children.”

Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet will be kept off screens by the Sussexes in their upcoming Netflix shows. Filming has started on both Meghan’s lifestyle show and Harry’s polo programme but the TV series will not include the children, The Sun on Sunday understands.

The shows are considered to be a make or break for the Duchess, 42, and the Duke, 39, as part of their £100million Netflix deal. But Archie, four, and Lilibet, two, will not appear in either.

It comes after we last year revealed that the couple disagreed over whether to make their family lives public or not. Harry is said to be keen to keep the children away from cameras, while Meghan is more relaxed about the world seeing them. The children’s appearances are rare and they have been seen only in official photographs and in fleeting moments on the previous Harry & Meghan Netflix show.

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An insider said: “Harry and Meghan have not always agreed on how much they should expose their children to the media but, in this case, Harry has clearly won.”

Meg’s show — which is said to “celebrate the joys of cooking and gardening, entertaining and friendship” — is not being filmed at the couple’s £11million home. Instead, camera crews have been seen setting up at a neighbour’s house in Montecito, California.

[From The Sun]

The Sun is pulling this out of their ass – they are just trying to make it sound like Meghan and Harry are constantly disagreeing about the kids. Meanwhile, I don’t even believe this. While I doubt Archie and Lili will be fully featured in these shows, I bet the kids will be seen in the same way they were in the Harry & Meghan series in 2022. Photos, videos shot by Harry or Meghan, glimpses of their family life. Probably more for Meghan’s show – why would Archie or Lili even appear in a show about polo?

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Netflix, Misan Harriman for the Sussexes.

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