Paris Hilton shares first photos of ten-month-old baby daughter London

Paris Hilton welcomed her second child, daughter London, back in November. London was born via surrogacy just 10 months after her big brother, Phoenix. And just like with Phoenix, Paris and husband Carter Reum kept her existence a secret from everyone, including her family, until after she was born. While we’ve seen pictures of adorable little Phoenix before, we’ve not been treated to a glimpse of London until now. Well, in honor of (US) Mother’s Day coming up and Paris’ newly-released song with Sia, the Hilton-Reums gave People the exclusive reveal of 5-month-old London’s pictures.

“With Mother’s Day around the corner, I couldn’t resist introducing the world to my baby girl London and sharing these precious moments of our family together,” Hilton tells PEOPLE. “Phoenix and London are everything to me, and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be married to the love of my life and have our beautiful family. We make the absolute best team, and my life finally feels complete.”

In honor of London’s big moment, Hilton is releasing her new song “FAME WON’T LOVE YOU” in collaboration with Sia.

“When I thought of how to introduce the world to London, I realized the perfect soundtrack to her introduction is my new song with Sia called “FAME WON’T LOVE YOU.” This is my message to my babies — I will always and forever love you and be here for you,” says the proud mom.

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She went on to describe her songwriting process with Sia, saying that the two leaned into Hilton’s personal experiences.

“When Sia and I started creating music together, we talked a lot about my personal story of fame at a young age, the traumas I experienced in my teen years, the pressure the media can put on young women in particular, my journey into motherhood and building my family,” Hilton says. “One of the first songs Sia brought to me was this incredible track that really felt like it told my story.”

“I’m honored to have had the opportunity to collaborate on this song with the brilliant Sia, the extraordinarily talented writer/producer Greg Kurstin and their whole team. The message of the song rings so true to me,” the mom of two continues.

“All of the things I thought were going to make me happy – celebrity, fame, followers, beauty – can often leave you feeling empty and lonely. What has brought me really deep fulfillment has been becoming a mother, building a family with Carter and deepening my relationships with my family and friends.”

Earlier this month, Hilton revealed why she hadn’t shown her daughter’s face yet, responding to a fan who commented on one of her TikToks of her son Phoenix. One viewer expressed how cute Phoenix is and said she couldn’t wait until Hilton felt safe enough to show her daughter London.

“🥹love you, soon ,” the mom of two responded to the commenter.

The weekend prior, Hilton posted a series of photos from her Easter celebrations with her family of four, posing on the stairs with Phoenix as they were surrounded by toy bunnies. In the comments, fans expressed similar sentiments, saying how cute Phoenix is and that they couldn’t wait to see London. Reum responded to one of the user’s comments, saying that the couple wasn’t ready to share their daughter with the world yet.

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“Not quite ready to share her w the world but she’s adorable and looks just like her mamma ,” Reum wrote.

[From People]

LMAO, I love that they pretended like they weren’t ready to share pictures of London for any reason other than they were holding out for an exclusive payday. That’s so old school. Little London is super cute, though. That little hair bow and the tutu! I have two boys, so forgive me when I get all gushy over little girl clothing, haha. I do think that it’s too soon to really tell who London looks like. I can see some of Paris in her, but time will tell. Phoenix, however, looks so much like Paris. They have the same eyes and smile. Kids’ faces change so much as they grow and can sometimes look like a different parent as they mature. The face may change, but those eyes always stay the same!

As for Paris’ song with Sia, I listened to it so you didn’t have to. I mean, while it’s no “Stars Are Blind,” it’s…fine. Paris doesn’t have a writing credit on it, but I can see how the overall lyrics and theme is based on her experiences. She sings a verse in the middle and then duets a bridge and chorus with Sia. Whoever was in charge of mastering her vocals did a pretty good job, too. It doesn’t even sound like the same singer as her earlier stuff. Ah, you know what? Here you go, a little present to kick off the week:

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