Kylie Kelce sits in her car with a cup of coffee to get some peace in the mornings

I really like Kylie Kelce. She seems down to Earth with a good sense of humor. I love that she’s funny, confident and has such a laid back style. She and Jason clearly love and respect each other. They’re also just so damn adorable together. Kylie and Jason, who got married in April 2018, have three daughters: Wyatt, four, Elliotte, three, and Bennett, 13 months. She also runs the Eagles Autism Foundation, hosting a big fundraiser for them every summer. In fact, Kylie appeared on the Today show earlier this week to help kick off Autism Awareness Month. During her interview, she shared what’s probably (to me) the most relatable thing about her. Kylie likes a little bit of peace, quiet, and caffeine in the mornings.

Kylie Kelce prioritizes self-care as part of her morning routine. The mom of three recently told that she’s keen on carving out time for herself before starting her day.

“Sometimes I have Lauren, our babysitter, come a little bit early just so that I can go and get coffee by myself,” she explained. “I don’t want to go into the coffee shop and sit. I want to get my coffee and sit in the car in silence.”

Being alone with her thoughts is something she said “feels good.”

“Sometimes I get all the way to coffee and all the way back without turning on the radio and I don’t even notice because it just feels good to be sitting in silence with your thoughts and a really nice cup of caffeine,” she continued.

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While her husband, Jason Kelce, can now be at home more since officially retiring from the NFL after 13 seasons with the Philadelphia Eagles in March, she’s also found comfort in voicing how she feels with her friends who are parents.

“Sometimes you need to say the miserable parts out loud. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies. It’s a beautiful thing, raising children. But it’s hard,” she said. Kylie advised fellow parents that they “really should acknowledge your feelings about how hard it is because it really it makes it that much better.”

Kylie told PEOPLE in February that Jason’s ability to be in tune with himself makes him a great parent.

“Jason is emotionally and mentally present for his girls, and I think that’s so important,” she said.

[From People]

I totally get what Kylie is going for here. Some people are just “get up and go” type of people, while others – like me – need to center themselves with a routine in order to get going. It’s whatever the opposite of winding down at the end of the day is. One of my morning rituals used to be sitting alone quietly in the morning, drinking coffee and just chilling. I’d make a list of what needed to get done that day, sometimes check bank statements, play Wordle, etc. Nowadays, though, my younger son will, without a doubt and no matter what time, wake up within five minutes of me sitting down, ready to start his day. It doesn’t help that his bedroom is right off of the kitchen. I’ll admit that there have been a few desperate occasions where I have climbed over the kitchen counter with my coffee to avoid hitting a squeaky floor board. Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

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I also love how much credit Kylie gives Jason for being such a hands-on father. Don’t get me wrong, all fathers should be hands-on without needing special praise for it, but I do think there’s still a stigma in *certain* communities that believe that women are supposed to raise the children while men go do manly things. Personally, I believe it never hurts to put it out there when someone like Jason goes against those stereotypes. If you can give even one or two more dads permission to be “emotionally and mentally present” for their children, then that’s a good thing.

Kylie did have this to say about Jason’s post-retirement plans during Today:

“He needs to get out of the house. It’s not that I need him to get out of the house, it’s that he needs to get out of the house. I think that with three small children, I don’t think golf is gonna cut it.”

Hey, well-rounded parents know they need to stay active too. Jason definitely strikes me as the kind of person who needs to stay busy. I’m the same way. I have no doubt that whatever he ends up doing post-football is going to further show off his hilarious personality and love of his family.

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