King Charles Should ‘Expose’ Bullying Probe Against Meghan Markle After Former Aid Speaks Out, Expert Says

<p id=”par-1_52″><a href=””>Meghan Markle</a> left her royal life behind more than four years ago after she stepped down from her senior royal role alongside her husband, Prince Harry, in 2020. Since then, Harry and Meghan have been living in California, and they have made rare trips back to the United Kingdom as a couple.</p>

<p id=”par-2_43″>Recently, though, a former aide spoke out and revealed her <a href=””>involvement in the bullying probe</a> after allegations were made against the Duchess of Sussex several years ago — and now, at least one royal expert thinks King Charles should release the probe’s findings.</p>

<figure class=”wp-block-image size-large” id=”emb-1″><img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”1200″ height=”800″ src=”″ alt=”Meghan Markle” class=”wp-image-3657021″ srcset=” 1200w, 640w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 525w, 254w, 200w, 761w, 90w” sizes=”(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px”><figcaption class=”wp-element-caption”>Meghan Markle | Toby Melville/WPA Pool/Getty Images</figcaption></figure>

<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-royal-expert-calls-on-king-charles-to-release-meghan-markle-s-bullying-probe-findings”>Royal expert calls on King Charles to release Meghan Markle’s bullying probe findings</h2>

<p id=”par-3_88″>While Meghan was still a working royal and active member of the family, she had plenty of aids helping her to adapt to royal life. However, people began to notice that a number of staff around Meghan quit their jobs within a short time of the duchess marrying into the family. Back in 2020, royal communications secretary Jason Knauf took action once it was revealed that three women who previously worked for the Duchess of Sussex accused her of bullying them; the first claim dates back to 2018.</p>

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<p id=”par-4_38″>Meghan’s team denied the allegations years ago, and nothing much came of the probe, but recently, the situation was thrust back into the spotlight after Samantha Cohen, a former aide, acknowledged that she was interviewed about the allegations.</p>

<p id=”par-5_85″>Now, at least one royal expert thinks it’s time for the palace to release the findings. “At some stage King Charles has got to decide — and I hope it is sooner rather than later — that the Sussexes must be exposed,” royal expert Tom Bower told <a href=””>Daily Mail</a>. “Probably the Palace thinks this not the moment to reveal or release this information. I disagree,” Bower continued, also claiming the couple’s Montecito home staff have seen plenty of turnover, though that has not been confirmed.</p>

<p id=”par-6_17″>The bullying allegations have resurfaced right as Meghan is soft-launching her new lifestyle brand, <a href=””>American Riviera Orchard</a>.</p>

<figure class=”wp-block-image size-large” id=”emb-2″><img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” width=”1200″ height=”854″ src=”″ alt=”Meghan Markle” class=”wp-image-3657023″ srcset=” 1200w, 640w, 1024w, 768w, 492w, 237w, 200w, 712w, 84w” sizes=”(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px”><figcaption class=”wp-element-caption”>Meghan Markle | Dominic Lipinski/Pool/Getty Images</figcaption></figure>

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<p id=”par-7_72″>No, this likely is not the best time for Charles to authorize the release of the bullying probe’s findings. Charles and Kate Middleton are both undergoing cancer treatment, and Harry and Meghan are prepared to make <a href=””>a brief UK return</a> to attend a ceremony honoring the Invictus Games. While things between Harry and his family still remain rocky, he said in a February interview that he has plenty of love for them.</p>

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<p id=”par-8_62″>With everything going on with the family’s health and the potential for Harry to rebuild relationships, it doesn’t seem fitting to release the probe’s findings right now. It’s possible that it will never be fitting, as Meghan is no longer a working member of the royal family and perhaps should be able to move on from her life in the royal spotlight.</p>

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