Marjorie Taylor Greene Questioned Over ‘Killing Ukrainians” Comment

As House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) this week pushed for a multi-bill package of foreign assistance in the House (including one that allocates approximately $60 billion to Ukraine), Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) pushed back and proposed amendments to the legislation including the ‘Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024.’

On the House floor (video below), Greene said: “Ukraine is not a member of NATO but the most important thing you hear in Washington, D.C. is ‘oh, we have to send Americans’ hard-earned cash dollars over to Ukraine’ and keep the money going to continue to murder Ukrainians, wipe out an entire generation of Ukrainian men.”

Rep. Adam Smith responds to Marjorie Taylor Greene: The sponsor of this amendment is basically saying if we pass this bill, we are advocating for the deaths of Ukrainians. That is uniquely demented way of looking at this. From a Russian propaganda standpoint, they invade and it’s…

— Acyn (@Acyn) April 20, 2024

During his time on the House floor, Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, questioned Greene’s assertions, noting that Greene “is basically saying if we pass this bill, we are advocating the killing of Ukrainians. That is a uniquely demented way of looking at this war. Putin invades. Putin as we speak is bombing and killing Ukrainian civilians. And the only thing that is reducing the number that he can kill is the Ukrainian’s ability to fight back.”

Smith said Greene’s argument against supporting Ukraine is informed by Russian propaganda and “literally makes no sense.”

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Smith added: “If you want peace, give Ukrainians the strength to stop Putin. He is the one who will not come to the bargaining table right now because he thinks he’s winning. He thinks he can go all the way to Kyiv, he thinks he can take the whole country.

“It makes no sense to say that giving Ukrainians the strength to defend themselves is killing them when it is very clearly the Russians that are killing them.”

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