GOP Pollster Ripped for Spreading False Information About Biden Visit

GOP strategist Frank Luntz today criticized President Joe Biden for making “his first Wisconsin appearance in 2 years” and for “going to predominantly white Green Bay rather than more racially diverse Milwaukee or college town Madison.” Luntz was quickly corrected by White House Director of Communications Ben LaBolt.

LaBolt replied to Luntz: “This is false. POTUS was in WI 3 times last year and was in Milwaukee again in March to announce a program to reconnect cities that were divided by highways.” LaBolt added: “POTUS is traveling to Madison next week. You’d think analysts would click on the stories they’re using to criticize.”

Luntz provided a link to a NBC News article which contradicts him, and states: “This will be President Biden’s tenth trip to Wisconsin as president and third so far this year.”


Just got off the phone with Don Hankey, chair of the firm that provided Trump with the $175 million bond.

He explained how the deal came about and what Trump used for collateral.

— Zach Everson (@Z_Everson) April 2, 2024

Luntz is known for developing talking points for Republican causes including Newt Gingrich’s legislative agenda Contract with America. Many policy ideas behind Contract with America originated at The Heritage Foundation, which is also behind Project 2025, a collection of far-right conservative policy proposals to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government if Trump is reelected.

Project 2025 “seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers which Republicans characterize as the ‘deep state’, to further the objectives of the next Republican president.”

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