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Time for polluters
to pick up the tab
Re: “Opinion: California faces biggest call to action as climate disasters worsen” (Feb. 11).
My dad and brother spent their lives working in the oil fields of Drumright, Oklahoma — both died of some form of cancer at ages 63 and 47. Lagoons of crude were stored in open dirt pits, releasing huge quantities of benzene and other hazardous chemicals into the soil and air. The local refinery added more toxins.
Our refinery workers and their neighbors breathe similarly hazardous air. Regular operations, accidental spills, explosions, fires and leaks all release toxic pollutants. Passing the Polluters Pay Climate Superfund Act will assess fees on the largest fossil fuel polluters for their share of the damage their products have caused.
Failure to pass this bill means California taxpayers will continue to pay for the consequences while the oil companies continue to rake in enormous profits.
Carol Byram
Walnut Creek
Stop the hateful
attacks on Lee
I don’t live in Oakland but I worked there 30 years. I am shocked at the vitriol and hatred being aimed at Barbara Lee in her bid for mayor.
I wonder why the recall folks hate her. Recalls should be used for malfeasance in office, not just personal disagreement with the officeholder. I agree with Lee’s philosophical position on recalls but that doesn’t matter. What matters are the issues facing Oakland. If you disagree with her position on issues, don’t vote for her. But stop the hatred aimed at her.
Lee is a consensus builder which is what Oakland needs right now. She has run a business and knows how to get things done in government. If I lived in Oakland, I would vote for her. Some of the hate-filled ads are coming from Loren Taylor’s campaign. Talk about issues and what Oakland needs. Stop the hate.
Roberta Brooks
Lee would continue
Oakland’s bad policies
Re: “Elect Lee for Oakland mayor, Wang for council” (Page A8, March 23).
Your editorial regarding the mayor’s race seemed as insubstantial as Barbara Lee’s case was in the several mayoral forums and debates I’ve attended.
She takes credit for bringing money to Oakland as a congresswoman and “bringing people together.”
Your editorial credits her for creating a broad-based labor-dominated coalition, which Loren Taylor “failed” to do.
However, the big issue in this race is Oakland’s disastrous budget situation, animated largely by this very coalition.
Taylor has made clear he will demand concessions from city contractors and unions. Lee hasn’t. Lee is rather their champion, as was Sheng Thao, who Lee unsuccessfully urged us to keep in office.
Oakland’s full-time public employees enjoy median incomes more than 50% higher than the general workforce. This is not an issue of supporting the poor.
Like your opposition to the sales tax, this poorly thought-out endorsement leaves Oakland swaying in the wind.
Steve Koppman
Veterans deserve better
than Trump administration
As a disabled combat veteran I am appalled by the prospect of thousands of VA staff cuts soon to be enacted by President Trump.
The VA medical facility in Martinez that services my needs is outstanding. The staff is efficient in every regard and responsive to my needs. I could not ask for better medical service!
When I was a young soldier, I was assured that if I survived America’s wars I would be cared for by a grateful nation. That care vision was of a strong VA, not one eviscerated for political purposes by a vengeful, draft-dodging coward like Donald Trump.
Veterans deserve better. It’s time to let our voices be heard.
Tom Day
Army Lt. Col. (Ret.)
Musk should keep
hands off Social Security
Social Security is now considered an entitlement. This is a tax that most workers paid into a federal system to guarantee a payment when they retire. They pay taxes on it when they work and they pay again when they retire depending on their income. How is this happening?
There is a ceiling of $176,100 where no further taxes are due. There should be no limit. Everyone should be accountable for contributing to the social security system. If you do not contribute you are unable to collect.
Elon Musk is now attacking our livelihood in our retirement years. He has made it his business to penalize the working people. Since when is it his business to be able to topple the system and rob the average person’s financial well-being?
Ann Fagliano
Castro Valley
Sledgehammer approach
does not help America
Some may argue the new regime in Washington will be beneficial and the sledgehammer implementation witnessed so far is necessary.
How is pardoning convicted Jan. 6 participants, who attacked our Capitol and law enforcement, antagonizing our neighbors and allies with tariffs, withholding aid to Ukraine and cozying up to Russia necessary? Ransacking government agencies that serve our veterans, our elderly, our national security, all on the dubious presumption of fraud and mismanagement; arbitrarily firing thousands of government employees without justification; threatening judges who interpret our laws and Constitution; withholding congressionally approved funds; and ignoring court rulings are all the work of our newly elected president. That’s without mentioning the Republican majorities in Congress and on the Supreme Court who now serve as rubber stamps rather than coequal branches of government.
How any of this benefits the American people or the economy or our standing in the world is the question.
James Mills
Walnut Creek