Usa new news

Letters: Price recall | So-called exodus | AUHSD board | RPA’s grip | Pleasanton mayor | Trump votes

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Price recall about
power, not crime

I’m voting no on the recall of Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price. She is committed to bringing equality, fairness and humanity to the criminal legal system. Of course, like reimagining policing, substantial changes to our criminal legal system make some uneasy, particularly those whose power is centered in a profoundly broken criminal legal system that intentionally excluded Black and Jewish jurors in high-profile cases for decades before Price’s arrival.

Price deserves a full term to attempt her vision. This recall is a cynical act that would set us back in holding corporations accountable and fighting for fairness and equal justice.

Price is not just a district attorney; she’s a force for justice, a champion for the marginalized, and a fighter who brings her own experiences to the forefront of her work. We can’t go backward.

Zak Samani

So-called exodus
should free up housing

Re: “Nearly half want to leave” (Page A1, Oct. 13).

Why does this paper constantly run front-page articles indicating that hordes of people are leaving, or want to leave, California or the Bay Area?

If this is the case, why don’t I see an abundance of homes for sale and rent? Why is there constant talk about housing shortages?

Either way, I say go to Idaho, Texas, or any of those “square” states where homes are cheap and the cost of living is low. You know, the ones with terrible weather, that persecute or harass LGBTQ people and don’t believe in a woman’s right to choose. You know the ones.

If you want to go, stop talking about it, pack your stuff and leave. That should help with the so-called housing shortage.

Paula Marshall

Reelect Wendy Reicher
to Acalanes board

I had the joy of working with Wendy Reicher throughout my senior year serving as the Campolindo student representative on the Acalanes Union High School District governing board.

Wendy isn’t just a kind, intelligent and enthusiastic board member, rather she is unique in the ways she actively listens to students’ voices and advocates for their best interest. Wendy is a critical thinker and takes many perspectives into account before acting, serving to build an environment where everyone belongs. When there were issues on the board level, she was thoughtful and considerate about how to move forward. She genuinely cares about the people she interacts with, going as far as supporting me with my college application process and regularly staying in touch with me as I started my freshman year at UC Berkeley.

The governing board — and the district as a whole — would be more than lucky to work with her again.

Kathrynanne Terry

It’s time to break
RPA’s grip on Richmond

Richmond voters, it is time to focus our efforts to dethrone the Richmond Progressive Alliance. I encourage you to vote for Jamelia Brown in District 1 and Shawn Dunning in District 6.

The RPA has a stranglehold on the city, and the incumbents are being endorsed by the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Their platform is not what I want for Richmond. One item in particular includes police abolition. This is a common threadthroughout the platform of the DSA. Our police went through a horrible decrease in funding from the RPA. This created a reduction in critical departments such as homicide, property theft and others, and left officers working 18-hour shifts at times. That’s not good for anyone.

I don’t want our City Council to be driven by the ideologies of an outside agenda but by the constituents of Richmond.

Chesteen Lindberg

Karla Brown will protect
Pleasanton as mayor

I have personally known Mayor Karla Brown for several years and can attest to her honesty, diligence and commitment to the residents of Pleasanton.

I spent more than 30 years teaching science classes at Amador Valley High School. Often my classes were full, presenting the challenge of teaching a lab class to 36 or more seniors. They absolutely got the best instruction that I could provide, but crowded classrooms can affect learning.

Karla Brown has worked tirelessly for more than 15 years to reduce the amount of growth in our city. With a hillside ordinance and a chain of lakes, there is a finite amount of space left to build new housing.

Vote Karla Brown for mayor and keep Pleasanton the city that first drew you here, and keep its classrooms a manageable size for students and teachers.

Tom Hall

What has Trump
done to earn votes?

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Re: “Harris and Democrats still losing Latinos” (Page A1, Oct. 14).

I have a problem understanding why people whose families came here to escape their governments are willing to risk installing that kind of government here.

My values are integrity, decency, honesty and caring. Can anyone explain to me why I should vote for Donald Trump? Some say not to believe what he says, but is that a good thing in a leader?

DiAnn Hillerman

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