Usa new news

Letters: Parents’ rights | Replacing Harris | Bold change

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We must honor parents’
rights to guide child

Re: “Transgender bill puts halt to parental notifications” (Page A1, July 16).

It seems to me that a law prohibiting notification of parents when a minor child starts using different pronouns and identifies as a different gender further erodes parents’ rights to know and guide their children.

A child who changes their gender identity at school is already “out.” And yet the parents are the last to know? As a psychotherapist for 40 years, I have treated hundreds of minor children. Everything we discuss in therapy is confidential, aside from suicidal or homicidal intentions. And yet, if there is an issue I think parents should be informed about, I encourage the minor child to inform their parents themselves, often with my assistance in a conjoint therapy session with the child and parents together.

Maybe that would be a better law, with services provided by school counselors.

Greg Salerno
San Jose

Replacing Harris may
calm Biden fears

Re: “Harris in ‘awkward position’ with support for Biden” (Page A1, July 10).

The articles being written about an aging but defiant President Biden seeking re-election tiptoe around a fundamental fact. If the Biden-Harris ticket stays as is, American voters increasingly anticipate that Biden won’t make it through 2028. Thus, voting for Biden means voting for Kamala Harris to assume the presidency sometime in the coming four-plus years.

The problem is that Kamala Harris is unelectable. She has never distinguished herself with notable accomplishments at any level, created no legacy, really done little but prove to be a decent, able politician — but in the eyes of the electorate, not presidential material.

For Biden to win, Harris must step aside and pave the way for a new vice president, someone who can generate excitement in this dreadful Trump-Biden rematch, someone the electorate will see as far better presidential material than Trump.

Of course, such an occurrence is Trump’s worst nightmare, but what fun it could be.

Kirch DeMartini

Bold change needed
for Democratic ticket

There is no doubt that this election is existential. After witnessing the debate and reading several recent articles, I’ve come to the conclusion that the best thing for the country is for Joe Biden to step down.

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We are witnessing the process of aging that’s been well-established. People from all over the country weighed in with their thoughts about the best choices once Biden does step aside. My hope is that all top Democrats and hopefuls will come together to decide how to have a sane convention and choose the top prospects.

I believe that what is best is Gov. Josh Shapiro for president (we need Pennsylvania) and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for vice president (we need Michigan), with Vice President Kamala Harris for attorney general. We need a change. Our future is at stake — in every way.

Marcia Hulberg

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