What’s closed for Presidents Day, Monday, Feb. 17, in the LA area


Presidential bingo cards feature former presidents at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA, on Monday, Feb. 19, 2024. The library held its annual Presidents Day events featuring President and First Lady re-enactors, Live music, crafts and activities for children, including Presidential Bingo, face painting and more. (Photo by David Crane, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)
Presidential bingo cards feature former presidents at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA, on Monday, Feb. 19, 2024. The library held its annual Presidents Day events featuring president and first lady re-enactors, music, crafts and activities for children, including presidential bingo. (Photo by David Crane, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)


Government offices — Los Angeles city and county, national and state — and superior courts, libraries and schools are closed for the Presidents Day federal holiday.

The federal government, by the way, uses the term Washington’s Birthday for Presidents Day.

Here is a sampling of other services that are closed or are on a regular schedule on Monday, Feb. 17.

Banks: Closed. New York Stock Exchange markets are closed (www.nyse.com/markets/hours-calendars).

Courts: Closed. Los Angeles County Superior Courts 2025 schedule, www.lacourt.org/holiday/ui/index.aspx

Libraries: Los Angeles Public Library locations are closed. www.lapl.org/holiday-closures

Los Angeles County Library locations are closed. lacountylibrary.org

Mail: The U.S. Postal Service does not deliver regular mail and post offices are closed. www.usps.com/holiday/holiday-schedule.htm

Transit: Metro buses and subway services in Los Angeles run on a regular schedule (www.metro.net). For example, see the G Line (also known as the Orange Line) holidays schedule here: tinyurl.com/5cwen4hh

Metrolink trains run on a regular schedule. www.metrolinktrains.com

Trash: Pickup schedule for Los Angeles Sanitation and Environment customers is on a regular schedule. For LASAN customers who have been affected by the recent wildfires, call the 24-hour customer care center for updates, 800-773-2489. Also, on the website under the section “What We Do,” click on Collection, and then click on Holiday Trash Collection: www.lacitysan.org. In addition, see the LA Sanitation and Environment 2025 Service Calendar: tinyurl.com/3d3c7puw

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