Usa new news

Van Nuys Airport launches academy for young people interested in aviation careers

The city of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) launched the first Youth Leadership Airport Academy held at Van Nuys Airport on March 15. The academy’s aim is to provide students a close look at aviation careers and leadership development. During four Youth Leadership Airport Academy sessions held in March and April, according to LAWA, the students will get behind-the-scenes access to the Van Nuys Airport’s operations, career possibilities and “best practices for building a sustainable aviation industry.”

Van Nuys Airport Manager Jacob Haik said, “Our new High School Youth Leadership Airport Academy represents our commitment to inspiring the next generation of aviation professionals. By providing hands-on learning experiences and mentorship opportunities, we’re not just developing skills – we’re cultivating dreams.”

He added, “These young people have the opportunity to become pilots, engineers, air traffic controllers, and industry leaders who will shape the future of aviation. At LAWA, we believe that empowering our young people with knowledge and opportunity will strengthen the foundation of our industry for decades to come.”

In partnership with Los Angeles City Councilmember Imelda Padilla and the City of Los Angeles Youth Development Department the academy hopes to offer an innovative program that engages youth with the Van Nuys community.

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