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Reagan Library adds a rare group of Dead Sea Scrolls to their exhibit

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library held a media day on Wednesday, February 26, to watch the installation of a new group of Dead Sea Scrolls, including the famed 4Q57 Isaiah Scroll, a fragment of the Isaiah Scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls.

It allowed the media to observe the meticulous process of removing and installing the manuscripts, which include some of the most significant biblical and historical texts ever discovered. The 4Q57 Isaiah Scroll is said to provide insight into how the text was written and interpreted before the “common era,” the period from the birth of Jesus Christ.

“We’re finding the scrolls are interested to the public as cultural or historic objects that are at least 2,000 years old,” spokesperson Melissa Giller explained. “People interested in history are hearing about the history and ancient religious practices from Jerusalem. And people who are faith-based are fascinated by this exhibition because they feel a deeper connection to their religion, whether they’re Jewish or Christian.”

The Dead Sea Scrolls are considered one of the greatest discoveries of the modern era.

The eight scrolls on display now will be swapped out in three months for another group of scrolls.

The exhibit at the Reagan Library opened on November 22 and as of mid-February 80,000 people had visited to see the Dead Sea Scrolls. The exhibit runs through September 2, 2025.

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