Letter: Trump supporters like his way of speaking but don’t want us to take him seriously

Poll after poll shows that people who support former president Donald Trump do so because they like what he has to say and what he stands for. Except, then he opens his mouth and speaks, and his supporters tell the rest of us that what he said is not what he meant.

Now, they are saying to not take him literally. So, he is supposed to be a great leader but we are not supposed to believe what he says? That is some leadership.

The excuses just keep coming.

Now, it is he is just “negotiating” when he spouts his stupidity. Who is negotiating with? Are we supposed to believe the Haitians will meet him in the middle and say they ate half a cat?

A leader shouldn’t have a shtick. He shouldn’t be blustering. How about not being a failure at almost everything and then trying to negotiate it to “it wasn’t a real failure”?

Gary Vartanian, Moorpark

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