Letter: Trump is the fighter America needs

Do any of the politicians’ words heed serious consideration?

There is a serious problem in the majority of America that continues to accept the same old jargon spewed every election cycle.

Yes, Trump speaks in hyperbole.  It does seem he can’t help himself to defend himself against lies.  But it is refreshing that he does not just take a party line and run on repeat.  “National ban on abortion,” the job creators of our economy “paying their fair share,” “protecting democracy”…the same thing every time from the Democrats!

People who oppose Trump wonder how anyone could vote for him, well, it is because he is the opposite of the same old tired politicians only trying to get elected to keep their power.  He could ride off into the sunset and spend his remaining years playing golf and enjoying his family.  Instead, he is fighting the powers that be for the rest of us.

Who cares if his personality is off-putting? We need a fighter!

Shawn Ferguson, Westminster

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