Saving California. Where do I sign? LA burns and Bass hobnobs in Ghana. Fonzi’s cool kid act is not cutting it. I join and stipulate with Houman Hemmati’s observations and proposed remedy of running Gavin Newsom, Ricardo Lara and Karen Bass off.
Lara apparently doesn’t understand that the insurance carriers have to get a return on investment as opposed to the government parasitic classes who can spend, steal and embezzle the taxpayers’ money. I up the ante on Hemmati.
Running the triumvirate off is good, but the only way to sober up these power addicts who have a deep bench is bankruptcy of the cities and counties. This fire may be the proximate cause of the bankruptcies of the city of LA as well as Mother County. That would cramp Sacramento’s style.
Absent that go east young man go east.
Mary Emily Smiley, Lawndale