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Judge says ex-Trump attorney, Chapman Law dean John Eastman should be disbarred in California

John Eastman (left) and former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani on Jan. 6, 2021 (JACQUELYN MARTIN/ASSOCIATED PRESS)

When he spread wild untruths about the 2020 election and tried to stretch the law like Silly Putty to keep Donald Trump in power, John Eastman betrayed the fundamental oaths he swore to uphold as a licensed attorney — and thus must lose that license, a State Bar judge ruled Wednesday.

“Despite the depth, breadth, and complexity of the case law and historical context cited by the parties, this disciplinary proceeding boils down to an analysis of whether or not Eastman, in his role as the attorney for then-President Donald Trump … and his re-election campaign, acted dishonestly,” State Bar Judge Yvette Roland said.

“It is recommended that John Charles Eastman, State Bar Number 193726, be disbarred from the practice of law in California and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys.”

Eastman, who also was hit with $10,000 in sanctions and ordered to cover the Bar prosecution’s costs, vowed to appeal and has characterized those seeking to discipline him as evil.

The decision could be crippling to his livelihood – and potent fodder for fundraising. Eastman cannot practice law in California during the appeal, which strangles an income stream as he fights criminal charges in Georgia over 2020 election interference and potential disbarment in Washington D.C. It will cost more than $3 million to defend himself, he has said in fundraising pitches, but he has only raised shy of $640,000 in donations on the Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo.

Booking photo (Fulton County Sheriff’s Office, GA, via AP)

“I feel a little like Julius Caesar,” Eastman said in a recent lecture to the Salt and Light Council, which promotes “Biblical citizenship.” “The folks we’re dealing with are evil. They don’t consider destroying our country as collateral damage for their overall mission. They consider that icing on the cake for their overall mission. I mean, we have to understand that we are dealing with pure evil, and … you got to arm yourselves in truth and light, salt and light.”

Many find the holy war rhetoric chilling.

Overthrowing democracy?

In what has become known as the “coup memos,” Eastman argued that the Electoral Count Act was unconstitutional and the vice president had the authority to reject states’ official electoral votes and even declare Donald Trump, who lost the election, its winner. Trump seized on these ideas and did not let go.

On stage Jan. 6, Eastman alleged that dead people voted, that blank ballots were hidden in a “secret folder” inside voting machines and that the election had been stolen. As rioters stormed the Capitol, Vice President Mike Pence’s rattled attorney told Eastman that “the advice provided has, whether intended to or not, functioned as a serpent in the ear of the President of the United States, the most powerful office in the entire world…. Thanks to your (expletive), we are now under siege.”

A noose on makeshift gallows on January 6, 2021. Trump’s supporters stormed  Congress to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election win. (Photo by Andrew CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP)

Eastman was charged with 11 counts by the California State Bar prosecutor’s office, the most colorful of which are “dishonesty and moral turpitude.” He’s accused of prodding state electors to send fake electoral votes for Trump to the Capitol, of filing false information with courts, of spreading incendiary lies that fed the rage that consumed the Capitol.

Eastman has wrapped himself in the First Amendment, saying his utterings are a matter of protected free speech.

Eastman’s defenders argue he was simply doing his job, zealously advocating for his client with the legal equivalent of “everything but the kitchen sink.” He has decried the charges as Orwellian “lawfare” waged by radical left-wingers seeking to destroy the fabric of America. “(T)he government has spoken, and if you disagree, then you must be lying. Two plus two equals five, after all, and if the government says so, you must not only repeat the lie, but you must come to believe it as well,” his lawyers told the judge in closing arguments.

Jacob Anthony Chansley, center, with others supporting then-President Donald Trump, in the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

In a recent post on GiveSendGo, Eastman described the Bar proceedings as shot through with “mendacity.” He blasted Bar prosecutors for assigning a court opinion to a circuit court rather than a district court. He quarreled with the accuracy of a legal quotation. “Perhaps they should file notice of disciplinary charges against themselves!” he wrote. “Alas, don’t hold your breath for such a just result…. win or lose, we anticipate more proceedings on appeal, adding to what one commentator has already called the longest and most expensive bar disciplinary proceeding in history.

“Thankfully, people are starting to wake up to the dangers of this ‘lawfare,’ not just to me personally but to our adversarial system of justice more broadly,” he wrote. “If you can, please consider making an additional contribution to my legal defense fund to help me keep fighting these travesties of justice. And as always, keep us, and our great country, in your prayers.”

Federal judge David O. Carter found that Trump and Eastman “launched a campaign to overturn a democratic election, an action unprecedented in American history.” It was “a coup in search of a legal theory,” and it’s “more likely than not” that the pair committed a crime, Carter said.


Neighbors protest John Eastman near his Santa Fe home last year. (Eddie Moore/Albuquerque Journal)

Other lawyers for Trump face ethics complaints, disbarment or have already lost licenses in their states as well. Some have pleaded guilty in the Georgia criminal proceedings.

These attorneys have become something like pariahs, and Eastman’s wife bemoaned efforts to make them “toxic” in their communities, which strikes “at the heart of the ability of Americans to freely associate with fellow citizens — one of the pillars of America’s successful democratic republic — by isolating, financially crippling, and destroying the careers of those in the legal profession who dared challenge the government-endorsed narrative that the 2020 election was the most secure in our nation’s history,” she wrote in an essay for the Gatestone Institute.

Eastman was always proudly on the far fringes of legal thought, friends and former students have said. In a Constitutional Law class at Chapman University, he once argued that the Establishment Clause doesn’t bar state and local governments from establishing official state religions and churches. It only constrains the federal government.

John Eastman, appears on screen during a hearing by the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack in 2022.(Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Prosecutors wrote in closing arguments that Eastman remained “brazenly remorseless … and has made clear that he would continue to engage in the same misconduct if allowed.”

It’s unlikely Eastman’s rhetoric will soften.

“Our country is on a precipice of losing our freedoms,” Eastman said during the Salt and Light Council lecture. “And for whatever reason, I’ve been cast in the forefront of this battle. I’m on the battle lines, I’m on the ramparts. And I consider it one of the greatest honors of my life to be in the front of this fight for freedom, and fighting against tyranny…. I will engage in that fight with every fiber of my being as long as I’m able.”

It’s going to be a hell of a 2024.

This column will be updated.

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