Every year, California State University, Northridge launches its Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to help low-income taxpayers with the paperwork required by the Internal Revenue Service. VITA student volunteers offer free advice for anyone with an annual income of $67,000 or less. And VITA serves non-English speakers.
From now until April 15, 350 trained students will offer help at 15 locations including Boyle Heights, Glendale, Hollywood, and several locations in San Fernando Valley. Help is offered at the CSUN campus Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and until 10 p.m. on Thursdays, at Bookstein Hall near the corner of Plummer Street and Etiwanda Avenue.
Professor Rafael Efrat, the director of the CSUN VITA Clinic, said in a statement, “There is an unmet need in our community. Many low-income taxpayers simply cannot afford to hire an accountant to complete their returns. The cost of it would swallow up large portions of their refund that would otherwise be utilized for other valuable and important expenditures.”
The 14 other VITA clinics across the county are open only on select days. Taxpayers can request an appointment by calling (818) 677-3600. Those locations include La Palmas Park, San Fernando Public Library, Sun Valley Public Library, Valley Plaza Branch Library, Pacoima Public Library, Inclusive Action for the City in Boyle Heights, Hollywood Regional Library, Mid-Valley Regional Library, Grandview Library in Glendale, YMCA West Valley, YMCA Mid Valley, Meet Each Need with Dignity (MEND), and the North Hollywood Public Library.