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‘The contradiction of the educated class’

‘The sins of the educated class’ 

David Brooks at The New York Times 

Modern “elite, educated-class progressivism [is] a lot less attractive than the working-class progressivism of Frances Perkins that I read about when I was young,” says David Brooks. To “be progressive is to be against privilege. But today progressives dominate elite institutions like the exclusive universities, the big foundations and the top cultural institutions.” Progressive virtue is “defined by being anti-elite. But today’s educated class constitutes the elite, or at least a big part of it.”

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‘What a Trump dictatorship might look like’ 

Thomas G. Moukawsher at Newsweek 

An American dictatorship could “expedite some things Trump’s supporters presumably want, like the removal of illegal aliens,” says Thomas G. Moukawsher. But it could also “produce things most of us presumably don’t want — like constantly proving our citizenship when in public, restrictions on free speech and press, suspension of elections based on false fraud claims, along with tax audits and economic ruin.” The country’s “only backstop is the rule of law. But so far, the Supreme Court hasn’t recognized the danger.”

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‘We know how to save Black Americans from overdoses. Will Congress actually do it?’

Dr. Jerome Adams at USA Today

“Black Americans need your help” fighting addiction, says Dr. Jerome Adams. The United States “must reduce harm for people suffering from substance use disorder,” and Congress should “also fund syringe service programs” that allow people access to sterile syringes. But “Black Americans are underrepresented in syringe service programs,” and Congress “must fund more programs in underserved areas.” This is a “moment of extreme, all-hands-on-deck urgency,” because “Black Americans suffering from substance use disorder need help — and Congress must act.” 

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‘Big alcohol’s monopoly isn’t worth breaking up’ 

Tyler Cowen at Bloomberg 

The FTC is reportedly preparing a lawsuit against a major alcohol conglomerate, but “sometimes monopolies are best left alone,” says Tyler Cowen. This is “often the case when they aren’t harming consumers, but it can also be true when they are,” such as when “their product is unhealthy, for customers and society, and higher prices mean people will use less of it.” If a monopoly “has some positive social consequences, all the more reason to let it persist.”

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