Sense check: Lyn Harris

Describe the view from where you are right now…
I’m looking at my ferns. They’re newly potted and I have beautiful new shoots coming up. And I’m looking at all my little samples and smelling strips. The usual desk nonsense.

What is the first thing you see in the morning?
I open the curtains and see the park, and also my dog.

Is there a particular artwork you always return to for inspiration?
At the moment it’s Monet’s “Impression, Sunrise”. I like the tension in it, because it’s an industrial harbour scene but there’s also the natural beauty of the sunrise. I’ve just created a fragrance around it [available in a limited-edition candle], also called Sunrise, especially for Sotheby’s.

Is there a view you can’t quite forget?
My grandparents’ garden in Scotland.

What is the best film you’ve seen recently?
“The Taste of Things” with Juliette Binoche.

The best book you’ve read?
“The Living Mountain” by Nan Shepherd. I just came back from Scotland [where the book is set] and I’m obsessed with it again.

What sound do you wake up to?
The birds. I’m so lucky to hear them because where I am in London is right by Primrose Hill.

What sound would you like to wake up to?
Still the birds. There’s such a variety in how they sound according to where I am in the world, and I love that.

What gets you dancing?
“Show Me Love” by Robin S.

What song always makes you cry?
“Drive” by The Cars always reminds me of my dad and it makes me cry, but in a positive way.

  Crossword: June 8, 2024

Is there a song that always makes you smile?
“Hounds of Love” by Kate Bush. It reminds me of times gone by.

Which smell takes you back to childhood?
The smell of fires.

What are you smelling right now?
This new fragrance I’m working on, which is inspired by my recent trip to Portugal.

What is your earliest scent memory?
I always remember the way my best friend smelled of candy. She was always eating candy and I just loved being next to her because she had this gorgeous smell.

If you were going to bottle the feeling of happiness, what scents would it contain?
It’s this smell of heat and moisture with nature. Either a flower or a fruit. I just love how humidity touches nature, I can’t get enough of it.

What is a dish you love to cook for yourself?
I’m obsessed with Ottolenghi. I got the “Simple” cookbook and it completely changed my life. Now that I understand the logic of Ottolenghi, I can cook anything.

What restaurant do you bring people to when they’re visiting your city?
Café Deco in Bloomsbury.

What item of clothing do you treasure most?
My Army jacket.

If you had to wear a uniform every day, what would it be?
I’d go for a simple off-blue shirt from agnès b., a pair of Acne Studios jeans and some New Balance trainers.

Favourite piece of furniture at home?
I have an old-fashioned armchair that Bobby Mills made and that I’m obsessed with.

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