Usa new news

‘Is this capitalism anymore?’

‘Why we can’t give up on capitalism’ 

Ruchir Sharma at CNN

Capitalism has “broadly worked for America for much of its economic history,” but recently that capitalism “seems to have not been working for the average worker,” says Ruchir Sharma. It has “reached a point where it’s safe to ask” if modern capitalism is a “very different economic system.” An “essential part of capitalism is for people to take risk and know that there are adverse consequences of taking such risk.” 

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‘How America can still come together’ 

Nancy Gibbs at Time 

Current American division “feels shocking but not sudden,” says Nancy Gibbs, because the “dread has been deepening for years, a defining quality of this century that began with an election that ended in a tie.” But “Americans are largely united on key issues — even if you would never know it.” However, when Americans “don’t see and hear the truth of our fellow citizens, we stand little chance of appreciating all that we actually hold in common.”

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‘Miami’s soccer chaos was a clash of civilizations’

Juan Pablo Spinetto at Bloomberg

The swarm of fans at Copa America is a “warning sign that U.S. stadiums and cities should take seriously as the country prepares to host the World Cup,” says Juan Pablo Spinetto. It is also a “reminder of how much South American football has to improve if it wants to play in the major leagues of global sports entertainment.” American “cities and stadiums are kidding themselves if they think they can prepare” for the World Cup “like any other big event.”

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‘Elon Musk makes it official: He’s all in on Trump and is donating money to prove it’

Sara Pequeño at USA Today

Elon Musk’s donations will “possibly assist in reelecting Trump,” and “that should concern all of us because of the power owning X gives him and his willingness to wield it,” says Sara Pequeño. Musk “wasn’t always a right-wing demagogue, but it has been part of his public persona for a few years.” This “makes sense for Musk as he continues down his path as a far-right influencer and general social media troll,” which “should concern everyone.”

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