‘If they want to win over Gen Z, they’ll need to use this time wisely’

‘Gen Z will be watching Trump and Biden debate. Will the old guys say the right things?’

Sara Pequeño at USA Today 

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump “both need [Gen Z’s] attention to eke out a victory in November,” says Sara Pequeño. During the upcoming debate, they “should be thinking about how their platforms can be truncated to fit on a phone screen.” It will “be a miracle if Biden and Trump get through the debate without losing the plot,” but “both should aim for sound bites to use on TikTok, Instagram and other social media sites.” 

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‘How to solve our obesity crisis’

John P. Burke at Newsweek 

Obesity is an “epidemic that is bigger than smoking,” but “our elected officials lack the courage to have an adult conversation with the American people about obesity, the real damage it is doing to our country, and what can be done to solve the problem,” says John P. Burke. The next president “should launch a bold national campaign to cut the rate of obesity.” They can “set a goal to cut obesity from 42% to 20% by 2034.”

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‘These 2 congressional districts may determine the fate of the nation’

Steve Israel at The Hill

To know the trajectory of the presidential election, “all you need to do is monitor the state of play in two congressional districts: Pennsylvania’s eighth and Nebraska’s second,” says Steve Israel. The eighth district is the “epicenter of broader Democratic ambitions to take back the House and keep the Senate,” while the “sole electoral vote of the Nebraska 2nd [is] a potentially critical one” for President Joe Biden. These districts are now the “center of the political universe.”

  Do youth curfews work?

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‘Pro athletes want to sell you a stake in their earnings. Hard pass.’

Adam Minter at Bloomberg 

Baron Browning of the Denver Broncos is offering shares of his future earnings, and “fans may see a tantalizing opportunity, but investors should stay on the sidelines,” says Adam Minter. Professional athletes are an “unusually risky investment best left to the clubs and teams that know and employ them.” This hasn’t “stopped entrepreneurs and athletes from trying to sell shares in themselves,” but sports fans are “probably better off investing in Browning trading cards.”

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