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25 things Andrew Tate has said about women

Last month, after years of being refused exit from Romania, where he stands accused of sex trafficking and rape, social media influencer Andrew Tate set foot once again on American soil. It was a surprise Florida homecoming for this leading figure in the far-right “manosphere” of internet personalities whose Romanian arrest and detention once seemed the final act of his unapologetically misogynist enterprise.

While his return to the United States might imply a second act for the controversial podcaster — particularly given initial allegations that his being allowed to leave Romania was the result of political pressure from the Trump administration — it took mere days for Tate’s legal troubles to overshadow his startling repatriation. Claiming to have made a “thorough review of the evidence,” Florida Attorney General James Uthmeier said on X that he had begun a “now-active criminal investigation” into Tate’s human trafficking and assault allegations. “Florida is not a place where you are welcome with that type of conduct,” said Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), whose administration is steeped in much of the same far-right milieu as Tate, at the news of the latter’s arrival in his state. Florida has “no involvement” in Tate’s return, DeSantis stressed.

Serious criminal allegations aside, Tate has long been a controversial figure for his embrace of — and proselytizing for — an overtly sexist worldview in which women exist largely for the pleasure of men. Below is how Andrew Tate sees half the world’s population, in his own words.

On women in general

“Intrinsically lazy” [Jan 2021]

“I’m not saying they’re property. I am saying they are given to the man and belong to the man” [July 2022]

“You cannot be responsible for a dog if it doesn’t obey you, or a child if it doesn’t obey you, or a woman that doesn’t obey you” [July 2022]

“Women are born with innate power. But every time someone f–ks them they give some away. He takes it. And that’s why the most powerful men have slept with endless women, and why the least magical women have slept with endless men” [July 2023]

“Women shouldn’t vote because they don’t care about issues outside of how THEY feel” [Sept 2024]

“Feminism is a lie and women have zero power without men” [Dec 2024]

“Fact. Women are sex workers. Their primary job now is to find one customer, called a boyfriend, to pay for their entire lives in return for pussy. If they fail at this they do only fans or porn, the same game with more than one customer. If they’re ugly, they work a job (badly) and are miserable” [Dec 2024]

“Bitter old hoes always mad the hot young girls get the money men” [Feb 2025]

“Cities are for women to be their worst selves and look for perma entertainment which men pay for” [March 2025]

On his personal treatment of women

“If you put yourself in a position to be raped, you must bare [sic] some responsibility” [Oct 2017]

“(I am) absolutely a misogynist” [Jan 2021]

“I’m a realist, and when you’re a realist, you’re sexist. There’s no way you can be rooted in reality and not be sexist” [Jan 2021]

“My job was to meet a girl, go on a few dates, sleep with her, test if she’s quality, get her to fall in love with me to where she’d do anything I say, and then get her on webcam so we could become rich together” [personal website, deleted in 2022]

“If you want a woman who’s perfect for you, you must build her to be perfect for you. A woman who is understanding and kind and who respects you does not exist unless you force her to be that way” [Tate “PhD” course, 2024]

“I don’t give a s–t about having sex with beautiful women. I f–k them so they listen to me” [date unknown]

“I’m all over the place, so I end up with all these chicks just stuck in the house, sitting there, bored, completely in love with me. And of course they don’t go out. They’re not allowed out” [date unknown, cited by Business Insider]

[If accused of cheating by a woman] “It’s bang out the machete, boom in her face and grip her up by the neck” [date unknown, cited by The New York Times]

“I have nothing to talk to women about beside either sleeping with them or… wait, that’s it” [date unknown]

“You can’t get the girl to work for you if you haven’t f—– her before” [date unknown, cited by ABC News]

On former Vice President Kamala Harris

“She’s largely incompetent. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her put a compendious coherent sentence together” [July 2023]

On Taylor Swift

I could easily f–k Taylor Swift and end her feminism shit real G dick moves but she’s ancient. Pyramids were brand new when she was born. THIRTY-FOUR!? If you’re a girl, why even live past 30 unless you have kids? [June 2024]

On Ariana Grande

“You’re too skinny and i would no longer f–k you” [Feb 2025]

On environmentalist Greta Thunberg

“Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions” [Dec 2022]

On his sister

“I have a sister. My sister and I, we don’t really talk. We don’t talk because she goes to feminist rallies and believes Trump’s a racist. I know: How can Andrew Tate have a low-IQ sister?” [date unknown]

On his mother

“Very much subservient to my father, which was a good thing” [Sept 2022]

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