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Where has America gone? Veteran wonders after Supreme Court decisions

“No man is above the law.” Ooops. I guess that principle isn’t upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, most who are hypocrites in robes. I’m pointing to the ones who accept lavish gifts from their “friends” or have wives who actively participate in an insurrection on the sidelines, or who desecrate the U.S. flag to express political views.

Politics aside, the SCOTUS offends my sense of patriotism. I’m also a veteran, a Vietnam veteran. Although the uniform I wore then reminded people of an unpopular war, it also represented the best in the principles and the ideals of this nation.

Besides changing this basic principle of America, SCOTUS also took away the choices my wife and daughter can make regarding their health. What else does the SCOTUS intend to alter regarding principles or rights?

What is this country coming to?

It’s times like these that I search out the closet for my old uniform and reflect on how this country was. This time I couldn’t find it.

Steve McCoy, Lincolnshire

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Stop denying Biden needs to step down

I am sick and tired of watching liberal media “pundits” defend Joe Biden after his brain-freeze infested, worst showing of a presidential debate performance last week. They are in denial and remind me of a mother at a murder trial, who tells the court that her son, an accused rapist is “such a great kid,” “a saint” and “an altar boy.”

We are trying to defend and honor democracy and the U.S. Constitution from a former president who looks up to Vladimir Putin and promises to make our country an oligarchical, fascist state.

Please Joe, step aside. The country, the independents and even good-old fashioned Republicans would rally instantly to any replacement the Democrats put forth: J.B. Pritzker, Amy Klobuchar, Gavin Newsom — even Mickey Mouse. They would not care who the Democrats put up as long as he or she has a strong voice to counter Donald Trump’s lies, racist rhetoric and promises of retribution to anyone who has spoken poorly of him — unsurprising behavior of a spoiled adolescent rich kid who has had everything handed to him on a golden platter his entire life.

Joe, please just get in front of the cameras soon and tell America that at this point, you are incapable of handling the demanding daily functions and high pressure of this most important executive office in the world. You did a great job. Thank you. Now go home and take that beautiful classic Corvette Stingray convertible for a ride around Martha’s Vineyard and spend the rest of your days enjoying the grandchildren.

Louis De Rosa Jr., Westchester

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