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What was your most memorable summer job? Here’s what Sun-Times readers say

We asked readers their most memorable summer job growing up in the Chicago area. Here’s what you told us, the responses lightly edited for clarity and readability:

Question of the day

Each weekday, the Sun-Times’ Afternoon Edition newsletter asks readers about key issues and life in Chicago. Here’s a selection of responses to one of those questions. Sign up for Afternoon Edition.

“Portillo’s order taker. I took my first paycheck to MC Mages Sporting Goods in Woodridge to purchase myself a Tony Amonte Blackhawks sweater.”

— Heather Marsala

“Lifeguard on Evanston lakefront. I loved being on the lake, helping people, and having fun on rough water days. Eventually became the assistant lakefront director. Did a lot of rescues. Helped boaters in trouble. Search and rescue. Commuted to Evanston from Oak Park.”

— John Heneghan

“Selling hot dogs at old Comiskey Park. ’73-’79. I grew up in the Bridgeport neighborhood and I am a lifelong Sox fan. I have amassed an enormous collection of vintage White Sox memorabilia from these days.”

— Michael Hill

“I did three seasons for the Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Most of the money I made at the time went toward paying my college tuition and student loans. I did enjoy being outdoors for the most part, except on those hot and humid days.”

— Bradley Nawara

“I was a server at Ferrara Manor Banquet Hall. Best job ever, but the pay was terrible … $16 per party, regardless of time spent setting up, serving and taking down. Every day was a different event … baby shower, wedding, graduation, birthday, whatever. The best parts were seeing all the different ethnic/religious traditions and getting the free meal…. Democratic conventions were the best … lobster and steak for all. I was 17 then, living in the Austin area. Now I’m 63 and in the burbs.”

— Christine Bock

“I worked in a bowling alley the last two years of high school and my first two years of college. I enjoyed working that job in my late teens and early twenties. Me and co-workers would stay after closing and bowl all night until the sun came up.”

— Tony Williams

“Chicago Urban League…I had the opportunity to work with other teens in a community that I did not grow up in, but grew to love 💕. I eventually attended HS in that same community. I made lifelong friends. #cabrinigreen💯”

— Brwnizjay Johnson

“YCC youth conservation corps. I was 16 and we lived in a dorm on the NU campus and worked outside on projects like building a boat dock and stripping and painting the Evanston lighthouse. I was really happy.”

— Andrew Zwick

“I had two routes delivering newspapers in 1978 in Pilsen.”

— Manny Martinez

“Volunteering at Quigley Summer Camp. Slicing meat at White Hen. Working in the millinery department at Zayre… Until I got fired! Those were the days.😂”

— Judi Heller

“1972, 1973 Kelly High School/ Brighton Park Performing Arts. We learned numbers from “Scott Joplin,” “Duke Ellington” and musicals, “Jesus Christ Super Star,” “The Wizard of Oz,” “South Pacific,” & “Desert Song.” We performed at venues such as The Martinique, Ford City, and other Chicago Public Schools. High school kids taught the little ones, and we got PAID for it!”

— Delores Dousias

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