Weight-loss drug coverage is cheaper than covering the costs of obesity

A dosage of Wegovy, a drug used for weight loss. Illinois state employees will get expanded access to the high-priced weight-loss drugs, but that could cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/AP

After reading the article about Illinois’ budget covering state employees for obesity medications, I waited for someone from the medical or dietary communities to weigh in on this reporting.

I thought they’d respond with something like this: We know obesity is a major health problem in the U.S. Studies show it leads to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some cancers and osteoarthritis. The budget contains health insurance coverage for obese employees to get weight-loss drugs. Surely, the cost effectiveness of treating obesity versus treating all of the other chronic serious outcomes is worth it.

The article reports that some legislators were asked if they were unaware of this piece of the budget before they voted on it. They appeared appalled they had been tricked into passing a budget that actually helps and protects our state employees.

Maybe if the questioning had been framed in a different manner, they would have answered they were proud of the budget assuring state employees would have access to preventive health care.

Al Chaps, Beverly

CTA skip-stop service would mean faster commutes

CTA trains should return to skip-stop service if the agency is on the level about wanting to improve commutes.

The focus on service quality is intensifying amid concerns about transit funding, calls for CTA President Dorval Carter Jr. to step down and proposals to consolidate the four mass transit agencies — Metra, Pace, the RTA and the Chicago Transit Authority — into one super-agency with beefed-up powers.

Offered for years, skip-stop service by CTA trains meant swifter transit: A trains stopping at A stops, B trains at B stops, and A-B trains at all stops. Unlike now, most trains did not stop at every station, so trips to and from downtown averaged five to 10 minutes faster than they do today. For unknown reasons, the CTA eliminated skip-stop service in the mid-1990s, opting for every-stop service with plodding commutes the result.

Cost would be involved, as commuters would have to be trained on the new system and signs updated, but improved service would warrant the change.

Craig Barner, Lincoln Square

To reduce traffic fatalities, look beyond lower speed limit

Related to the proposed reduction of the default speed limit in Chicago: In the last five years, the number of vehicles with black tinted windows has grown by the tens of thousands. People can no longer see into the vehicle and see if there is a driver behind the wheel.

The driver’s view is also diminished and their reaction time is cut down. Years ago, there were laws regarding the amount of tint permitted on a widow. I guess either those laws are gone or no one pays attention to the law, including the auto manufactures.

  49ers’ Jake Moody gets his kicks and then hits the road

Electric vehicles make no noise so people have no advance warning when the vehicle is approaching them

People, including young children, are walking or operating a bicycle or scooter with ear phones, or head sets on. They become oblivious to what is going on around them.

Finally, cell phones. People on scooters, bicycles or automobiles and all busy looking at their phones, as well as people crossing the street.

These issues need to be addressed, if you really want to reduce the injury or the fatality rate. Please look into doing an additional article on these additional issues so we can really get a grip on the problem.

Dean Andrews, South Loop

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