I’m a 69-year-old man, and I know my good years are far behind me and most of you believe I have nothing left to teach you. The country that I once loved and was so proud of is now gone for the most part. I remember as a young boy in the 1960s watching my favorite TV show that ended with the phrase “Truth, Justice and the American Way.” I remember my favorite president (up to that point), Ronald Reagan, described our country as “a shining city upon a hill.” I know we never reached his lofty goals of the “proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace…” But his words gave us hope that we would never stop trying.
Now I only see very dark storm clouds in our future as a country, a people and as a world. Truth is gone and replaced with lies and misinformation, Justice is replaced by the self-interested billionaire class, and the American way has been replaced by a narcissistic, sexual predator con man who has surrounded himself with unqualified yes-men and women and a Republican party that has sold its soul for power and lust.
I see so-called religious men and women that have turned his/her backs on the teachings of Christ to follow this false prophet.
Too the hundreds of thousands of American men and women who have fought and died to protect our American values, we failed, and I am sorry.
Jeffery S. Carr, Carol Stream
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Patriotic duty to keep an eye on Trump
I understand why so many of my friends and colleagues chose not to watch Donald Trump’s inauguration on Monday. I do not fault them but respect their decision. However, I felt compelled to tune in.
For me, bearing witness to history is my patriotic duty. To be sure, inaugurating a convicted felon is unprecedented and thoroughly shameful. In addition, what Trump plans to do on his first day is unacceptable and troubles me deeply.
Everything he stands for and all his lies are repugnant, providing a serious threat to our democracy and historically accepted standards of decency.
Admittedly, listening to President Trump’s inaugural address was difficult and at times painful. Yet it was my responsibility as an American citizen to hear his words rather than relying on the potentially less accurate interpretations of others.
Moreover, as a communication scholar who studied presidential rhetoric and who has penned — and no doubt will pen — op-eds and letters about Trump, watching was not a choice; it was obligatory, giving me the necessary legitimacy, voice and evidence to document my claims.
I pray that God will watch over the country and all its citizens.
Richard Cherwitz, Ph.D., Ernest A. Sharpe Centennial Professor Emeritus, Moody College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin
Pardons for Jan. 6
When Donald Trump pardoned the Jan. 6 rioters, he was just pardoning himself.
Michael Hart, Chicago
Happy days are here again
What a great time to be an American! Donald J. Trump is our president again.
We are looking to that glorious condition called peace. We are looking forward to the end of high inflation that robbed everyone. We look to the lowering of energy costs for everybody.
We especially want to secure our borders again. No other country lets people wade across a river, then walk through a broken wall to announce “We are here”.
Illinois politicians are totally out of touch with Americans who solidly voted for Trump and his programs. What a shame some of them did not attend the inauguration.
The notion that Chicago is “Trump-proof” is a joke. We must follow the laws like everyone else.
We hope things do not get ugly. That will be entirely up to the Democrats who want a new source of voters. This must not happen as America begins a new Golden Age.
Steven J. Bahnsen, South Commons
Nazi Germany’s comeback
So, not quite 80 years between the defeat of Hitler and a group of Republicans cheering the Nazi salute at a presidential inauguration. Well, it was nice while it lasted.
Daniel Welch, Glen Ellyn
Trump is no friend to those who want to serve and protect
Donald Trump is back in office, to the chagrin of everyone with a conscience.
Sadly, too many law enforcement officers — many who consider themselves part of a team that holds the line against evil and oppression — helped put him there.
Some of my fellow officers were stellar, and some not so much, but I tried to learn from all of them during my 37 years in the profession.
I was shocked when Trump called on his followers to come to town and go wild in 2021. Trump supporters responded by threatening our lawmakers and stealing from their offices, fouling the halls of Congress like animals and beating down cops who were there to protect all.
No officers, including those in the Chicago Police Department, should forget that it was Trump supporters who beat and brutalized our brothers and sisters in uniform. Some were left disabled, others so demoralized they killed themselves. Trump didn’t care and on Monday, he cemented his apathy by pardoning this vile crowd.
Trump has no respect for us as police or as human beings. Where we are still the thin blue line, he is the dull razor, intent on cutting anyone he perceives as opposing him down to his own size — petty, miserable and vindictive.
Maja Ramírez, retired CPD warrant/summons officer, Avondale