Shedd Aquarium announces name of beluga whale calf

The newest member of the Shedd Aquarium now has a name — and aquarium members had a hand in choosing it.

The calf, Opus, was born to beluga whale Naya in July. The name means a musical composition or set of compositions usually numbered in the order of its issue, the Shedd said in a news release.

The name is also a nod to the calf’s dad, Beethoven, and the vocalizations beluga whales make.

The Shedd’s animal care team suggested names for aquarium members to choose from, and more than 1,000 votes were cast.

“The chosen name had overwhelming support, our members loved the connection between father and son, found the name to be clever and appreciated the opportunity to give this special whale a name,” Charlie Jacobsma, director of animal behavior and training, said in the release.

“The calf is still learning, trying new things, and developing new skills, and we’re still discovering new things through his care and growth that we share with our community – guests, partners and scientists.”

Now 7 months old, the calf is learning to chirp, click, whistle and squeal to communicate, the release said. Staff members describe Opus as curious and willing to learn and try new things.

“My 7-year-old boy chose the name,” one member said during the voting process. “This is a great opportunity to get the next generation involved in caring for animals and nature.”

Guests can easily identify Opus when visiting the Shedd because he’s still the smallest beluga in the exhibit.

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