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Pride events that will have a lasting impact: Someone in Chicago is looking for these

There’s this underlying mentality that no one appreciates Chicago more than people who were born and raised here. And OK, I respect that.

But as a transplant, I find the city keeps growing on me.

It grows on me when I feel like wearing a long skirt or bright feminine color, and no one bats an eye during my commute to work. I appreciate living here when kids are wearing Pride sports jerseys with no worries they will experience bullying. But the city especially makes me feel welcomed every time I see ugly Facebook comments from my Texas hometown about its Pride or inclusivity efforts — in June or any other month.

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During Pride Month, I love to celebrate at gay bars supporting our champion and talented drag performers, but I also try to broaden my interests and seek out events and efforts that will make an impact through the rest of the year.

Looking through the Sun-Times Pride events calendar, here are some I plan to catch for the rest of the month:

Cubs Pride Night

Monday, June 17, 7:05 p.m.

📍Wrigley Field, 1060 W. Addison St.

This party at the ballpark features special entertainment, fan activities and more, as the Cubs face the San Francisco Giants.

Admission: $5+

Hear me out. When I am being skeptical, I see sports teams selling Pride merch just as an opportunity for them to make more money. On the other side, I’d be pretty upset if they didn’t sell any Pride merch at all.

I learned to appreciate Pride merch last fall at a Chicago Fire game. While I was waiting for my brother to go through security, I spotted a Pride shirt on a tiny person in a big crowd. A little boy was wearing it, and I wondered, “Who are his parents?”

I laughed in delight when I saw one of my co-workers walking behind him. It confirmed they were good people. I didn’t care whether the kid was queer or an ally, but loved that he could nonchalantly walk around a sports stadium with a Pride shirt.

Chicago Public Library Drag story time: Back of the Yards

Saturday, June 29, 10:30 a.m.

📍Back of the Yards Branch, 2111 W. 47th St.

A special story time for kids featuring a local drag artist, facilitated by CPL’s children’s librarians.

Admission: Free

There is an abundance of Pride events up north, where people are generally more accepting. So, I appreciate seeing an event happening on 47th Street.

I was born further south — in conservative Texas. And was raised along the border, where Mexican Catholic culture was prevalent and we did not talk about being gay unless we were laughing at the concept or lifestyle.

This free and family-friendly event has lots of value.

Chicago Pride Parade

Sunday, June 30, 11 a.m.

📍Beginning at Sheridan and Broadway, and continuing south along Broadway, then Halsted, then Belmont to Broadway.

The 53rd annual parade will see thousands flock to the parade route to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community. This year’s theme is “Pride is Power.”

Admission: Free

As a band geek, I’ve developed a grudge against parades. After waking up really early and marching blocks and blocks throughout a city or town, I’ve asked myself, “Why do people find this entertaining?”

I walked the Pride parade here a few years ago, and dropped out right on Belmont after I found out how much further we had to walk. So, yes, I’m a parade Grinch. But I will give the Pride parade a chance this year, as a spectator, because of something I believe is its saving grace — moms offering free hugs.

Unconditional love and support from allies is amazing, but a hug from a parent willing to accept their children no matter what? That’s something we all hope for, and it’s good to know it exists for some people out there.

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