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On the ballot: Too many uncontested election races

Early voting for the November election has begun. Many voters are going to be disappointed by what’s not — that’s right, what’s not — on their ballots.

What will be lacking? Candidates.

According to the website, “a staggering 67% of races that appeared on ballots in November 2022 were unopposed or uncontested.”

There are two reasons for this. The first is gerrymandering. The second is election law.

In one slice-and-dice example, political mapmakers in Illinois managed three years ago to help award Democrats 14 seats in Congress. Republicans were left with three.

Now, when was the last time you saw a minor party or independent on your ballot? Years ago, perhaps? That’s because Illinois election law effectively excludes them.

New candidates must gather many more petition signatures than do Republicans and Democrats. In order to survive all but certain ballot challenges, they must roughly double what is required.

What a heck of a way to run a democracy.

I’m left to wonder: How does one throw the bums out when there’s only one bum on the ballot?

Scott Summers, Harvard

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FOP’s not ‘unanimous’ for Trump

I just received the latest copy of the Fraternal Order of Police/Chicago Lodge 7’s official magazine, with the now iconic photo of Donald Trump bleeding from the right ear after the Pennsylvania assassination attempt and the caption “FOP members make a unanimous endorsement for president.”

That “unanimous” endorsement isn’t, because this retired CPD warrant and summons officer wasn’t asked and, in fact, supports the vice president (Madam Prosecutor Kamala Harris) — not the convicted felon and rapist!

Lodge 7 committed a grave error in judgment when it did not seek my opinion, enraging me, since this travesty pays but lip service to troopers and cops. He who counts on fooling thousands with his braggadocio and bluster does nothing for any citizens, least of all law enforcement.

It has been repeatedly argued that Trump bears responsibility for fomenting the Jan. 6 insurrection. This couldn’t be more plain, yet FOP President John Catanzara maligns the dead, claiming Capitol officer Brian Sicknick was not killed by rioters but due to a stroke.

The uncomfortable truth, John, is that the riot precipitated his medical emergency, and Trump at least should drop to bended knee, beg the Sicknick family for forgiveness and apologize to everyone he’s harmed.

But the former president asks forgiveness and offers apologies to no one, preferring to tell more lies, swat away every truth that places him at any fault and let his minions take the blame.

If he were in the running to become FOP president, I would be forced to mark my ballot for any noble police K-9 rather than either “wrong way” John C. or the former president.

Maja Ramírez, Avondale

Hire more cops

It’s a done deal: ShotSpotter has been canceled, and requests for alternatives to curb crime and create community engagement have been requested. Let me be the first to recommend the obvious solution: more officers.

From 2017 to 2022 the number of sworn officers declined by 13%. The department is now faced with longer response times and increased overtime due to understaffing. Clearly, some of the money saved from Shotspotter should go toward fully staffing the rank and file of CPD.

But crime is down you say? Not car theft and and retail theft. The only way to stop carjackers, who turn around and commit smash-and-grab and armed robberies, is to put police on the street.

Let me put it to you this way, Mr. Mayor: You wouldn’t replace more staff in understaffed schools with “walkie-talkies on a stick,” so let’s get more well-trained and dedicated officers in our neighborhoods.

Christopher Salus, Edison Park

Stop sending military weapons to Israel

The shocking evidence of death and destruction in Gaza is painted in horrifying stories by Chicago area doctors in Gaza. The same destruction and death has now spread to Lebanon. This military action would not be possible without support from the United States. It is our weaponry carrying out this carnage.

If you are a taxpayer like I am, let’s face it: The blood of thousands of innocent women, children and all civilians are on my and your hands.

Israeli citizens have a right to live in safety; Palestinians have a right to live in safety; Lebanese have a right to live in safety. Terrorists and enemy soldiers have no right to live in safety.

But there has to be a balance. Lines have to be drawn to save the populace from indiscriminate bombing; destruction of homes, schools, hospitals and whole villages; and from disease, hunger and outright fear.

I cannot sleep at night knowing that whatever words come out of Washington, D.C., the reality is these words mean nothing. For the sake of all humanity, for the dignity of human life, our government must place an immediate moratorium on military weaponry to Israel, until a cease-fire is put into effect, the fighting ends, and the human needs for medicine, food, water, and housing are met in Gaza, the West Bank, southern Lebanon and northern Israel.

May God forgive us this grievous sin and guide us to a peaceful solution.

Rev. Martin Deppe, Edgewater

Trump is impaired

If anyone’s father or grandfather exhibited the cognitive impairment of Donald Trump, their heart would break, and then they would sit down with their family to discuss where the best place for their loved one was.

That place would not be the White House.

Daniel Welch, Glen Ellyn

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