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Letters: Two takes on Gabe Evans’ bid for Congress

Gabe Evans, champion of pensions or Trumpster who avoids Latino community?

According to our PERA newsletter, the Biden/Harris Inflation Reduction Act has caused an increase in our personal Medicare Advantage Plan costs. The additional $394 monthly or $4,728 annually on top of what I had originally planned for is a tremendous added amount to take out of my teacher’s retirement pension. Along with Colorado’s increased property taxes and inflated grocery, utilities, and gas prices, I’m not sure how we will make our 2025 monthly budget work, but I know I’m voting for change, I’m voting for Gabe Evans.

As a husband, father and public servant for Colorado, and the nation as a whole for almost 20 years, Gabe Evans understands the importance of having a reliable understanding of the monthly costs associated with one’s pension. Gabe Evans, as a former police officer with a pension, has a direct personal stake in a meaningful pensions program that will make all of our lives, PERA dependent or not, better.

Prices in Colorado have skyrocketed just in the last two years, and housing costs are 20% higher than the national average, so if a long-time resident feels the burden, I can’t imagine a new family.

Did we ever stop and think about the positions our next generations will be left in? What may have caused the millennial generation to be the first generation projected to do worse than their parents? If people on a fixed income, who are already out of the workforce are expected to give more, then there is little room for anyone to purchase new property or move to a desired location, let alone survive between each cashed check. We need serious change, and the current elected officials are not doing an adequate job; that’s why I cast my ballot for Gabe Evans.

Susan Walker, Greeley

On Oct. 9, a public Congressional District 8 candidate forum was hosted at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley. All Candidates were invited to attend this event, which focused on questions that came directly from CD8 Latino voters. All Democrat and most Republican Candidates were there to give their views on the forum issues.

Gabe Evans was extended an invitation to appear months before the forum. Evans declined saying he was not given enough time to “consider” attending. Gabe Evans did not show up. It’s disheartening to come to the realization that this forum wasn’t worthy of his time or appearance, despite the fact that the focus was for the Latino voters that make up a large constituency of the CD8 district.

More disturbing, was the report of his gleeful appearance at the Aurora Trump rally two days later, where the run of show disparaged, maligned and scapegoated Colorado Latinos for America’s problems. CD8 Latinos, do you really believe that Evans cares about creating solutions for your issues, when he refuses to show up for the only CD8 Latino forum that required a short driving distance and 30 minutes of his time?

His disregard for Latino issues gives legitimate concern that he will leave Latinos behind in Congress. He has proven his only loyalty is to extreme candidates who promote lies and disdain, even toward those with whom he proclaims to share heritage with. He holds no value or respect for CD8 Latinos. Vote Yadira Caraveo!

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No one has been charged with insurrection

Re: “How ‘do not retain’ votes could give a win to Trump supporters,” Oct. 23 editorial

In the editorial concerning the retention of Judge Márquez, the word insurrection was used four times to describe the events of January 6. No one has been charged with insurrection. Not Donald Trump, not anyone.

Please stop perpetuating this falsehood and retract these statements.

Cynthia Hawkins, Lakewood

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