Letters: RTD’s elitist decision to kick Greyhound out of Union Station is wrong

Who’s being unwelcoming now, RTD?

Re: “Greyhound buses will get booted by RTD,” Sept. 19 news story

I used to live across the street from the old Greyhound Station. I now live a block from Union Station. I was very excited when I heard that Union Station was going to be a true transportation hub for all kinds of travelers and that the Greyhound station would become a part of it. I utilize the A Line train, the light rail, the bus concourse, the Free MallRide and the MetroRide every week.  When I see those places empty, I become concerned.

I question  RTD’s “booting” of Greyhound so they can provide a “welcoming transit environment for all” — all except those who use Greyhound buses. Who do you, RTD, think you are protecting, people like me who use and promote your services all the time? Don’t use people like me as an excuse for “booting” travelers. If Greyhound needs to adjust schedules so there are no overnighters in the bus concourse, so be it. Segregation is not the right way to manage a transportation hub that is supposed to be for all people.

A. Lynn Buschhoff, Denver

Fact-checking the fact-check

Re: “We all saw the ABC fact check on Trump; here’s one on Harris,” Sept. 19 commentary

Steve Holloway from Lakewood makes some curious assertions about Kamala Harris.

He writes that she was not brought up in a “middle-class” family but tells us that her mother worked as a biomedical scientist. News for Holloway: if you work for a salary (not stock options or bonuses), you are middle class even if your pay is above average. There is only one candidate who was raised in a wealthy family and it isn’t Harris.

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With respect to the Trump tax cuts, The Center on Budget Policy and Priorities reports that in 2025 the average savings for the top 1% will be $61,090 while the bottom 20% will save $70. You can decide whether this is a “substantial” benefit for those at the bottom.

Holloway also conflates an attack on America with an attack on our democracy. The wars he listed posed no threat to our system of government, while January 6th, which attempted to overturn the results of a free and fair election, did.

He may be correct that states with abortion restrictions have written provisions into their laws to protect the life of the mother. Curiously these states have higher rates of maternal mortality. To pretend that abortion restrictions have had no effect on women’s health is disingenuous.

Fundamentally much of this guest opinion rests on his choice to ignore the difference between “does” and “did.”  Just because Kamala Harris held a position in the past does not mean that she continues to do so now.

Clever sophistry may obscure but will not change the facts. Trump is an angry old man who spreads lies and bases his campaign on division and fear for the benefit of the wealthy. If this is the kind of nation you want, by all means, vote for Donald Trump. But if you think that America is better than this, vote for Kamala Harris.

Guy Wroble, Denver

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Wow! Great guest commentary from Steve Holloway in Thursday’s Post. And it is all factual with no spin. As an independent voter, I want facts, not constant drama from the Democrats with spin and lies. I’m another who has run from the Democratic Party.

Ernie Cline, Great Falls, Mont.

Thank you for publishing the guest commentary by Steve Holloway on the Trump/Harris fact checks. It was a “breath of fresh air!”

Mary Elizabeth Breuninger, Bennett 

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