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Letters: Pass baton | Deserve the truth | Expanding settlements

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Time has come forBiden to pass baton

Re: “Democrats must find alternative for Biden” (Page A8, July 14).

President Biden has served our country with honor and integrity for decades, and has done a good job. I believe he has been and would still be a better president than Trump, no doubt.

However, because of the fervor Trump’s lies have fired up in his supporters, there is a real possibility of a Trump win. This would be devastating to America and to democracy. I think we need a stronger candidate just to ensure Trump doesn’t win. This has nothing to do with Biden’s age or ability, because he is capable of running the country. I just don’t want to take a chance of voters making a bad decision because of their perception from the debate.

I hope Biden will do what is best for us by sacrificing again for his country and passing the baton to a candidate more likely to beat Trump.

Jim CaubleHayward

America deservestruth from hopefuls

What’s wrong with saying the truth to the American people?

I have been involved in the field of law enforcement for over 40 years. Every year from the beginning of my law enforcement duties, I had to sign and recite the oath of office for my commitment to the city, the state and the United States of America. I will not lie; I will speak the truth. This applied to testimony in every court whether county, state or federal. There are many checks and balances to verify our answers.

Apparently, politicians like to spin the answer. They don’t answer the question, they flat out avoid anything to do with the question, or they walk away and say, “Now that was an interesting question.” Why don’t people want to speak the truth? If a person is running for office, they owe us answers to questions that are asked.

Dennis TrujilloCrockett

Israel won’t find peacewith more settlements

Re: “Israel turbocharges West Bank settlement expansion” (Page A3, July 4).

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I read with regret but no surprise that Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank. Regrettably this follows the plans and patterns from the early Zionists to the current government.

Numerous Jewish and later Israeli leaders have called for or supported the removal of the Palestinians, including the first Israeli prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, who suggested the Palestinians be dispersed to Egypt and Jordan and eventually they would not be an issue: “The old will die and the young will forget.

The settlers continue this attitude by seeking to force the inhabitants off the land and call for the removal of anyone on the land they wish to claim and make part of Israel. It’s clear significant segments of their population do not want a peaceful, lasting solution to the problems there. We as the United States need to stand against these actions.

Roger WoodFremont

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