Letters: Denver does not need Ball Arena development and Kroenke doesn’t need another billion dollars

Ball Arena development not a good view for Denver

Re: “Council OKs more room for skyscrapers around Ball Arena,” Oct. 22 news story

Unbelievable. The city council ignores residents. The approval of the Kroenkes’ Ball Arena plan goes against reason. More density? Where is the water coming from? What about the traffic: foot, car, bicycle? There is already the addition of many residences in Sun Valley and a new development in Glendale.

If you don’t use the paths on Cherry Creek or the Platte River, you may not know about these new developments. What about the people who live here? Are we going to be pushed out so developers can make more money?

The things I love about Denver are disappearing quickly. No views, no ease of inner-city travel, and no clean air. I guess the council’s priorities are money for the city, not a good lifestyle for the residents.

— Gary Kelemen, Denver

Ball Arena property is up for development, which means more density, more traffic for Denver, and more money for the Walton family if the Ball Arena area is turned into the Kroenkes’ wishes. Please, Mr. Kroenke. You have your 124,000 playground ranch and billions in cash. Can’t we have some space? How much money do you need?

Give us a beautiful park, Kroenke Fields, and give Denver a break — and you get a huge tax write-off. Do you really need more? We get smashed and you make … how much?

— Stephen Brauns, Arvada

Chipping away at Social Security benefits

Re: “Inflation comes for retirees while pensions get bailouts,” Oct. 19 letter to the editor

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Reader Carl Miller has it right in his letter when he quotes the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as saying, “Inflation is the parent of unemployment. It is the unseen robber of those who have saved.”

To the point, those of us in our late 70s and early 80s are seeing inflation dramatically erode the purchasing power of our incomes and savings, which is why most of us 70-plus seniors now rely upon Social Security as our only source of income.

We also know that our small increases in our Social Security income are immediately eclipsed by equal increases in our Medicare premiums. Not to mention that rising property taxes and home insurance rates are pricing us out of living in our own homes.

We can’t do anything about these issues because they haven’t attracted public attention. The net result is an approaching economic catastrophe for our aging population as our incomes diminish and our expenses increase.

Thanks to Carl Miller for his well-timed and factually accurate description of the financially perilous times now plaguing those of us living well into our old age.

— Gary E. Goms, Buena Vista

Reflecting on the Rockies during the World Series

Re: “Black to return as manager for 9th season,” Oct. 9 sports story

It’s World Series time! We should pause and meditate on our team, The Rotten Rockies, who finished the season with over a hundred losses for the second year in a row. That’s astounding! And they gave the manager a contract extension while their best player retired!

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During the World Series, when baseball fans pass by Coors Field, they should give a salute using their index finger and thump to pinch their nose closed like they are downwind from a ripe cattle feedlot.

— Harry Puncec, Lakewood

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