We asked how living in Chicago makes you who you are. Here’s what you said, lightly edited for clarity:
“It’s taught me to be nice to strangers, but impatient with slow walkers and tourists who block the sidewalks. It’s helped me accept less-than-perfect thanks to our lovely winter weather. And it’s made me knowledgeable about architecture and appreciative of beauty — both nature’s and man-made.”
—Brenda Russell
“It’s made me an optimist. Every spring, I still think the Cubs will win it all.”
—Bob Hoffman
“When I was growing up there were 100 kids on my block, Belle Plaine Avenue. I learned social skills, how to play sports and respect for adults. Some of the best times of my life!”
—Sandy Ritt Anderson
“I often use the word ‘jagoff’ to describe someone who didn’t properly use their turn signal for a lane change or turn. Sometimes it’s under my breath. Sometimes it’s directed loudly to them.”
—Jim Dahlberg
“I now like lavender honey lattes, and think I don’t need a jacket when it’s 26° out.”
—Mark Rohan
“Living in Chicago has shaped my advocacy for diversity, because Chicago is a place where everyone belongs.”
—Sandra Chancio
“It’s given me a really tough, take no s**t attitude. If there’s a problem, look for a solution and fix it yourself. There’s also a softness though. Be adaptable and ever-changing, like the lake”
—Amber Koronkiewicz, 28
“Chicago has made me more authentic and candid.”
—Jacob Scigalski, 16
“I developed street smarts, an appreciation of ethnic and cultural diversity and a love of so many different cuisines due to the unbelievable number of excellent eateries in this city.”
—Scott Barliant
“It has made me ditch my car. I would say biking is a large part of my personality now”
—An Bryson
“It’s made me very culturally rich. Theater, opera, concerts, jazz clubs, rock and blues clubs, museums, major league sports and great restaurants. If you love those things, you have to live in a world-class city like Chicago.”
—Edward Zelnis
“Living in Chicago IS my personality.”
—Spencer Colton