CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Chaz Bono, 56; Patricia Heaton, 67; Mykelti Williamson, 68; Catherine O’Hara, 71.Happy Birthday: Put your best foot forward and strive to meet your goals. Network, adjust your attributes to suit what’s trending, and develop a set of rules, boundaries and assets that will attract attention and help you grow. Position yourself for success, and you’ll discover what you can accomplish. A positive change in attitude and an aspiration to connect with people who can utilize your strengths will help you advance. Your numbers are 4, 17, 21, 25, 33, 38, 42.ARIES (March 21-April 19): Make today about caring and sharing. Lift others up, and they will reciprocate. Choose peace and love over anger and discord. Look for alternatives that satisfy your soul and favor loved ones. Explore places of interest, and what you discover will help you formulate new prospects. Take care of physical tasks. 3 starsTAURUS (April 20-May 20): Envision what you want, develop a plan and execute your intentions. Turn your thoughts into something concrete and put a dent in your to-do list. You are overdue for a change in attitude, surroundings and lifestyle. Stop thinking about what you want, and begin your journey. 3 starsGEMINI (May 21-June 20): Tone down your thoughts and plans to fit your budget and abilities. Gauge your time and effort carefully. Your success depends on accuracy and your ability to deliver. A succinct description of what you can offer will inhibit the chance of those trying to take advantage of you to succeed. 3 starsCANCER (June 21-July 22): Haste makes waste. Slow down, nurture what’s important to you and only change what’s necessary. Channel your energy and passion into something meaningful, and something good will transpire. Work quietly behind the scenes on something that will bring joy to someone you love. Hard work will translate to financial benefits. 4 starsLEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Resolve issues civilly, and avoid making matters worse. Approach what you want with a positive attitude, willingness to compromise and respect for what others require in return. Power plays work better when you offer dignity instead of restrictions. If you want to be an honorable leader, act like one. 2 starsVIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): A change of scenery will help you put your life in perspective. Distance yourself from uncertainty, aggravation and temptation; you’ll recognize the best path forward. Discipline and moderation will be your ticket to success. Revise your plans to suit your needs and budget, and encourage worthwhile prospects. 5 starsLIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Live, learn, love and explore what life offers. Socializing, sharing information and meeting new people will lead to personal growth, positive change and opportunities. Let your charm be your calling card, and your intelligence and holding power will attract someone with plenty of benefits. Romance is in the stars. 3 starsSCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Put your best foot forward, and you’ll dazzle everyone with your insight, talent and integrity. Change is within reach if you follow your passion. Get the ball rolling by sharing your innovative ideas and plans. The best is yet to come if you stick to the rules and say no to temptation. 3 starsSAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Think before you act. Take everyone and everything into account before you make a move. Rely on your instincts and trust in yourself. Verify information, and take a minimalist approach to life, love and spending. It’s better to save than to spend on things you don’t need or cannot afford. 3 starsCAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Make changes to your space that are conducive to saving money. Updating your home to run more efficiently, downsizing to make your life easier and exploring other places and possibilities will pay off. Put your energy into getting ahead or achieving a goal that offers peace of mind. 5 starsAQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Spend more time researching, reading and learning about something you want to pursue. Choose a healthy lifestyle that will protect you from injury or illness. Declutter your living space to make room for something you can enjoy with friends and family. A deep conversation will bring you closer to someone you love. 2 starsPISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Simplify your life. If someone asks for too much, say no; if offered too little, ask for more. Upfront communication is your best path forward. A little charm and honesty will help build a solid reputation and help you surround yourself with reliable sources. It’s up to you to dictate what’s next. 4 starsBirthday Baby: You are colorful, outgoing and helpful. You are persuasive and insightful.1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can accomplish, but don’t rely on others. 3 stars: Focus and you’ll reach your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can stop you; go for gold.Visit Eugenialast.com, or join Eugenia on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn.
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