CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Drew Barrymore, 50; Thomas Jane, 56; Jeri Ryan, 57; Kyle MacLachlan, 66. Happy Birthday: Consider what’s important to you before you head down a path that requires time, patience and accuracy. Look at your schedule and map out a plan that helps you execute what you want to achieve without interference. Emotions will be difficult to control when trying to maintain a healthy reputation. Exuding honesty and integrity in all you do this year will deter anyone with less scruples to back down. Your numbers are 4, 15, 21, 26, 34, 39, 42. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Use your energy wisely. An active and well-planned agenda will help you avoid frustration. Look for opportunities to spend time with someone you want to know better. Personal gains and gathering information will give you the knowledge to direct your time and effort into something worthwhile. Attend a reunion. 5 stars TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Timing is everything. Refrain from letting anyone dictate how or where you utilize your energy. Trying to cram too much into one day will lead to uncertainty. Stay calm, determine what’s important to you and proceed with tunnel vision. Aim to achieve what matters and walk away from what doesn’t. 3 stars GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You are best to document what transpires. Someone will try to rewrite history if you offer an assessment that needs to be more precise. It’s okay to have grandiose ideas, but when it comes to what you promise to deliver, err on the side of being modest and realistic. Offering something efficient and within budget will help you gain acceptance. 3 stars CANCER (June 21-July 22): Focus on what’s essential and learn to say no to those taking advantage of your kindness and generosity. It’s OK to help others, but help yourself first. Share your insight and skillful way of convincing others to consider your plans. Say no to drama and yes to using your energy to thrive. 3 stars LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Generosity is honorable, but before donating or giving your time, money or expertise freely, consider if someone’s exploiting you. Rethink what’s best for you and what will ensure your health and happiness. How you display your expectations will make a difference. Proceed with confidence. 5 stars VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emotions will be scattered, causing problems with relationships and domestic matters. Push drama aside and deal with the real issues. Speak frankly about your feelings and expectations, and question anything that sounds elusive. Set boundaries and say no to tempting nuances or taking on responsibilities that don’t belong to you. 2 stars LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Apply pressure when necessary, but do so in a manner that appeals to those you want involved in your plans. Taking short trips, getting together with old friends and sorting out differences with someone you want to spend more time with will help turn any negatives you face into positives. 2 stars SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Don’t drag your feet when you can accomplish so much. Get out, network, socialize and charm your way into the hearts of those you want to be around. You will discover plenty through conversations and the company you keep. An imaginative concept tossed around with unique individuals will lead to something beneficial. 4 stars SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Stop, look, listen and evaluate situations before you agree to something ambiguous. Refuse to let your emotions step in and lead you astray. Pay attention to how you present yourself physically and choose your words to reflect an honest appraisal of situations, plans and commitments. Choose love over discord. 3 stars CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Live up to your promises and have no regrets. Choosing unique investments and following a path that encourages stand-up judgment and worthwhile achievements will make you feel good about life, what you contribute and your prospects. Don’t jeopardize your reputation for someone else’s benefit. A moderate, simple lifestyle is favored. 3 stars AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Be the one to lead the way. Set a good example and be clear regarding your expectations. Spend more time on domestic improvements and less time struggling with outcomes you cannot control. Use your skills, knowledge and insight to your benefit and to convince others to stand by you. 4 stars PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Channel emotional energy into your daily routine. Engage in physical activity that lets you blow off steam and directs positive energy into your life. Decline any offer that doesn’t suit your budget. A creative outlet that speaks to you will radiate peace and well-being. Engage in whatever makes you feel good about yourself. 2 stars Birthday Baby: You are disciplined, aware and outgoing. You are helpful and adaptable. 1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can accomplish, but don’t rely on others. 3 stars: Focus and you’ll reach your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can stop you; go for gold. Visit Eugenialast.com, or join Eugenia on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn.
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