Dyeing of Chicago River draws revelers to downtown Chicago: ‘It’s a celebration’

The dyeing of the river for St. Patrick’s Day drew an eclectic crowd to downtown Chicago on Saturday.

Nadine Freiheit, 52, drove from her home in Mazeppa, Minnesota, for the revelry. Dressed in a tri-colored skirt over leggings, knee-high socks that look like boots with buckles on them and lots of beads and a green baseball cap, Freheit has been to several St. Patrick’s Day events, including in Boston and Minneapolis, to celebrate her Irish heritage.

“My grandma was a McNulty, and so it runs deep in our and our bloodline,” said Freiheit, who was there with a friend and her sister.

While she typically prefers wine, she’ll be imbibing on Irish beer this weekend to get into the spirit.

Nadine Freiheit, 52, drove from her home in Mazeppa, Minnesota, for the dyeing of the Chicago River on Saturday. Dressed in a tri-colored skirt over leggings and knee-high socks that look like boots with buckles on them and lots of beads and baseball cap green, Freheit has been to several St. Patrick’s Day events, including in Boston and Minneapolis, to celebrate her Irish heritage.

Nadine Freiheit, 52, drove from her home in Mazeppa, Minnesota, for the dyeing of the Chicago River on Saturday. Dressed in a tri-colored skirt over leggings and knee-high socks that look like boots with buckles on them and lots of beads and baseball cap green, Freheit has been to several St. Patrick’s Day events, including in Boston and Minneapolis, to celebrate her Irish heritage.

Pat Nabong/Sun-Times

Radgel Morales, who came from Arizona, had the same idea.

“I’m excited to drink, this celebration is all for that,” said Morales, who was decked out in a shimmery green top and “mermaid pants.” “I will together with my friends. It’s a celebration.”

Radgel Morales of Arizona shows off her St. Patrick's Day look, sparkly and shimmery green top and "mermaid pants."

Radgel Morales of Arizona shows off her St. Patrick’s Day look, sparkly and shimmery green top and “mermaid pants.”

Pat Nabong/Sun-Times

Nicholas Damery, 30, of Chicago was there to serenade attendees with his bagpipes.

The musician wore a kilt, and his cardboard tip box had “proposal ring fund” written on it in black marker.

The catch is that Damery is single.

He said he knows the gag about his fake girlfriend will earn him more tips.

“Every time someone comes up, what’s your name? What’s her name? I make up a new name. I have no idea, Jessica. Oh, Ashley. We go, Oh, I love her so much. Total lie. I’m a liar,” he said.

The story is effective. Last year, Damery said he collected roughly $1,500 in tips from St. Patrick’s Day parties.

Nicholas Damery, 30, of Chicago serenades attendees with his bagpipes on Saturday.

Nicholas Damery, 30, of Chicago serenades attendees with his bagpipes on Saturday.

Pat Nabong/Sun-Times

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