Daily horoscope for March 9, 2025

Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or important decisions from 5 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. EDT today (2 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Cancer into Leo.

Happy Birthday for Sunday, March 9, 2025:

You seek knowledge and adventure. You are imaginative, generous and empathetic. Lucky you! This year is about socializing and enjoying your life! Nurture the happiness and beauty that you have within. Let your guard down and loosen up a bit! Old friends might reappear to rekindle relationships.


(March 21-April 19)
Today is full of many possibilities, which is why you’ll be wise to stay flexible. Stock the fridge. Company might drop by. Romance is also likely. Be ready for anything. Tonight: Play! This Week: Find that happy balance between work and rest.


(April 20-May 20)
Today might be full of detours because you suddenly change your plans. It’s an excellent day for artists and creative activities. Your imagination is heightened and you’re thinking outside the box. Tonight: Cocoon. This Week: Value your creativity, whether friends appreciate it or not.


(May 21-June 20)
Keep an eye on your money and your possessions today Hazy thoughts combined with unpredictable situations could cost you money. Therefore, protect what you own against loss, theft or damage. Tonight: Conversations. This Week: A tug-of-war between family and home versus your career and place in the community.


(June 21-July 22)
Guard against knee-jerk reactions today. Slow down and give everything a sober, second thought. Meanwhile, give yourself a chance to enjoy art and beautiful places. Tonight: Maintain your possessions. This Week: Stretch your freedom first with baby steps.

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(July 23-Aug. 22)
Today you’ll enjoy art exhibits, arts and crafts fairs or a chance to appreciate the creative efforts of others. Grab every opportunity to express your own creative talents. Your luck improves after the Moon enters your sign today. Tonight: You win! This Week: Use your wealth and assets for yourself and others.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You’ll enjoy socializing today. In fact, you might have a discussion with someone who is emotionally supportive, because feelings of sympathy and compassion are strong today. You also might explore romantic adventures. Tonight: Solitude. This Week: You must come first so that you can be a resource for others.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You might be admired today. However, you also might be misunderstood by someone who projects their idea of who they think you are onto you. Friendships will become warmer and meaningful. Tonight: Socialize. This Week: You like company; however, time alone can be restorative.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Enjoy doing something to “get away from all this.” Explore your city by visiting places you’ve never been to before. Break free of your comfortable rut. Tonight: You’re noticed. This Week: Socialize, but don’t forget goals. What are your future goals?


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today you can choose what you want. You can hunker down at home or entertain. You can schmooze and socialize. You can enjoy sports and playful times with kids. Or you can explore passionate romance. Your call. Tonight: Explore! This Week: Can your influence or the influence of others help your home and family?

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(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
This is a lovely day. A short trip will please you because you’re eager to learn and socialize with others. However, many might tackle home repairs, redecorating projects or entertain at home. Tonight: Check your finances. This Week: Travel or further learning will enrich your life. Ideas?


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Money matters, cash flow and issues with your possessions are your focus. Because you feel sympathetic, you might be generous to someone today. Or you might spend money on luxurious goodies. It’s the perfect day to appreciate your surroundings, who you are and what you have. Tonight: Cooperate. This Week: When it comes to money and assets information is power. Define your wealth.


(Feb. 19-March 20)
Take it easy today and enjoy lounging around and pampering yourself. You might socialize with friends or kids. You might shop for pretty things. Make this day all about you and relax. Why not? Tonight: Work. This Week: How important are those who are close to you? This is the message of Friday’s Lunar Eclipse.


Actor Oscar Isaac (1979), actor Rupert Evans (1977), actress Juliette Binoche (1964)

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