Chicago sports-media power rankings: The bottom five

We released the top 20 in our annual Chicago sports media rankings. Here’s our bottom five, listed in descending order.

5. Cole Wright: The Marquee studio host continues to speak in run-on sentences and make nonsensical statements. He still falls back on 1990s “SportsCenter” shtick that makes viewers cringe. Take a breath, slow down and think before you speak.

4. Tom Thayer: The Bears radio analyst knows when to start and stop talking. It’s everything in between that’s the problem. He struggles to communicate his thoughts and explain what happened. After 25 years in the booth, he should sound better.

3. David Haugh: Did you know that CHSN stands for the Continuous Haugh Sports Network? How else could you explain him appearing on the channel morning and night? It’s amusing that promos for “The Chicago Lead” include him pictured above the words “passionate opinions.” The man is milquetoast. Like his writing at the Tribune was, he talks a lot but says a little.

2. Mike Mulligan: Between all the guffawing and inaudible tones (speak into the mic, please), Mulligan shows he isn’t exactly up to date with the sports world. His morning show on The Score with Haugh somehow rates well, but former co-host Brian Hanley was better than both.

1. John Schriffen: Only the Sox had a worse season than their rookie TV voice. He clearly wasn’t ready for the big leagues, and he made unconscionable mistakes. His behavior on and off the air left much to be desired. If the Hawks can dump an announcer after two seasons, so can the Sox.

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