Chicago high school basketball scores

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Friday, February 21, 2025


Waubonsie Valley at DeKalb, 7:00


Cary-Grove at Burlington Central, 7:00

Crystal Lake South at Hampshire, 7:00

Dundee-Crown at Prairie Ridge, 7:00

McHenry at Huntley, 7:00


LaSalle-Peru at Kaneland, 7:00

Morris at Sycamore, 7:00

Ottawa at Rochelle, 7:00


Thornwood at Crete-Monee, 6:30


Midland at Roanoke-Benson, 7:00

Seneca at Marquette, 7:00

St. Bede at Dwight, 7:00


ACERO-Soto at Cristo Rey, 6:30

Amundsen at Clark, 6:30

Benet at DePaul, 7:00

Bradley-Bourbonnais at Unity Christian, 6:00

Clemente at Little Village, 5:00

De La Salle at Marian Catholic, 7:00

DePue at ROWVA-Williamsfield, 6:00

Disney at North Lawndale, 5:00

Donovan at Milford, 7:30

DRW Prep at Little Village, 5:00

Elgin at Plainfield South, 6:00

Elk Grove at Glenbard South, 7:00

EPIC at McNamara, 7:00

Fenger at Schurz, 5:00

Gardner-So. Wilmington at Coal City, 6:45

Glenbard West at St. Charles East, 7:00

Harvard at Round Lake,7:00

Hiawatha at Christian Life, 7:00

Highland Park at Lyons, 7:30

Hyde Park at Leo, 6:30

Kennedy at Mather, 6:30

Lake View at Deerfield, 6:00

Lincoln Park at Brother Rice, 7:00

Lockport at Thornton Fr. North, 6:00

MCC Academy at Von Steuben, 6:15

Metea Valley at Prospect, 7:30

Mooseheart at Islamic Foundation, 7:30

Nazareth at Hancock, 5:00

Northside at St. Patrick, 7:00

Notre Dame at Hope Academy, 7:00

Palatine at Vernon Hills, 6:00

Parkview Christian at Leland, 7:00

Pecatonica at St. Laurence, 8:00

  They said it: Failing to protect patients in treatment test

Plano at Aurora Christian, 7:30

Providence-St. Mel at Holy Trinity, 6:30

St. Edward at Schaumburg Christian, 7:00

St. Francis de Sales at Brooks, 6:00

Streator at Pekin, 7:00

Vocational at Richards (Chgo), 5:00

Wilmington at Indian Creek, 6:45

Woodstock North at Antioch, 7:00

Yorkville Christian at South Beloit, 7:00

Young at Perspectives-MSA, 4:30


Lake Forest Academy vs. Academie Ste-Cecile (CAN), 5:

La Lumiere (IN) vs. Bosco Institute (IN), 6:30


at Arthur Christian

Christian Liberty vs. Maranatha, 1:30

Westlake Christian vs. Calumet Christian (IN), 3:00

Christian Liberty vs. TBD

Westlake Christianvs. TBD

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