Chicago Daily News 100 years ago: County building scene of slaying

As reported on April 21, 1924, by the Chicago Daily News, sister paper of the Chicago Sun-Times.

The gray-haired father of a murdered Checker Taxi company official took vengeance with a gun outside a courtroom on the eleventh floor of the county building today.

From ambush on the stairs leading to the twelfth floor, he shot and killed one of two men accused murdering his son, as they were leaving court after obtaining a third continuance of the case. His wife, their daughter and his son’s widow stood near him as he fired and went with him to the detective bureau afterward.

Patrick Sexton did the shooting. His victim was John K. (“Jack”) Rose. Rose and Max Raifman, another taxi driver, were accused of murdering young Frank Sexton, a roadmaster for the company, last June.

Witnesses said the shooting was unprovoked, but Sexton told Chief of Detectives Hughes that Rose and two other men, who he did not recognize, attacked him as they left the courtroom. They rushed him back against a wall, he said, and he shot Rose to save himself.

Rose and Raifman were accused of waylaying and killing young Sexton while they were soliciting proxies for use against the administration in control of the taxi business. Rose is said to have confessed the murder after his arrest.

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