Bridge: Nov. 12, 2024

Unlucky Louie has some rental properties.“Every time I call the power company,” Louie griped to me, “I got a message saying they are experiencing a higher-than-average call volume. It can’t ‘always’ be above average. That’s not how averages work.”

Finesses are 50-50 propositions, but Louie swears his success rate is average-minus. When he played at four spades, he ruffed West’s second heart lead and led a trump to dummy’s ace — and East discarded.

CLUB LOSERLouie then took the K-Q of trumps and led the jack of diamonds for a finesse. East won and shifted to a club: four, king, ace. When Louie led high diamonds, hoping to pitch his club loser, West ruffed the third diamond and led a club to East. Down one.

“You can’t tell me my finesses win half the time,” Louie sighed, “plus, trumps split 4-0.”After Louie takes the ace of trumps, he can cash the ace of diamonds and the K-Q of trumps, lead a diamond to the king and concede a diamond. He can win a club shift and discard his last club on a high diamond.

DAILY QUESTIONYou hold: S A 4 H K 7 6 4 D A K 8 7 C A J 2. Your side is vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, opens three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: So much for conducting a careful, leisurely auction; the preempt deprives you of room. You must guess, but to avoid being stolen from, you must assume that your partner has a decent share of the missing high cards. Bid 3NT. He must realize that you have acted under pressure and are counting on him for some strength. If he has none, the result will be his fault.

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North dealerN-S vulnerableNORTHS A 4H K 7 6 4D A K 8 7C A J 2WESTS J 9 6 3H Q J 10D 5 3C K 9 6 5EASTS NoneH A 9 8 5 2D Q 6 4 2C Q 10 8 3SOUTHS K Q 10 8 7 5 2H 3D J 10 9C 7 4

North East South West

1 D Pass 1 S Pass

2 NT Pass 4 S All Pass

Opening lead — H Q©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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