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AUSD Notes: Positive schoolwide behavior in Alameda recognized by state coalition

We are just six weeks into the new school year, but news of awards is already starting to come in.

To start, the California State PBIS Coalition has recognized 15 Alameda Unified School District schools for their implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports during the 2023-24 school year. The recognition levels range from platinum (the highest) to bronze; a whopping nine AUSD schools (or 60% of the district’s total) won platinum.

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PBIS is a proactive and schoolwide approach to defining, teaching and supporting optimal student behavior. It emphasizes acknowledging and directly teaching appropriate behavior as opposed to punishing inappropriate behavior. It also provides a continuum of supports for students who struggle to meet the school expectations.

Not every school site’s PBIS program is the same. But all robust PBIS programs consist of clearly defined schoolwide expectations, explicit teaching on those expectations, acknowledgment of appropriate behaviors and individual support where needed. Research has shown that the benefits of PBIS include increased attendance, student and teacher reports of more positive and calm environments, as well as reductions in the number of behavioral disruptions on campus. All of these benefits, in turn, can contribute to better academic outcomes for students.

More information is available on AUSD’s PBIS web page, available at

The schools that received the platinum award are: Bay Farm School; Otis Elementary School; Franklin Elementary School; Lincoln Middle School; Love Elementary School; Maya Lin School; Paden Elementary School; Ruby Bridges Elementary School; and Wood Middle School.

Edison Elementary School and Encinal Jr. & Sr. High School received Gold awards. Alameda Science and Technology Institute, Alameda High School and Earhart Elementary School received silver awards. Island High School received bronze-level recognition.

These awards are testament to the hard work of our principals, counselors, teachers and students in cultivating positive schoolwide cultures across our district.

In other news, ASTI has been named a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. ASTI last received this recognition in 2015. Only 356 schools across the country received the designation this year.

“While awardees represent a wide array of schools, they share common traits,” notes this week’s press release from the Department of Education. “National Blue Ribbon Schools are led by leaders who articulate a clear vision of instructional excellence and uphold high standards. They showcase effective teaching methods and offer robust professional development for their staff. Data-driven instruction is a hallmark, and there is a concerted effort to ensure every student succeeds.”

We’ll be posting more information about this recognition on our home page this week. In the meantime, congratulations to ASTI’s staff and students for this remarkable achievement!

Reach Susan Davis, the Alameda Unified School District’s senior manager for community affairs, at 510-337-7175 or

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