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Ashley Williams Shares Moment That Left Her ‘Crying on the Bathroom Floor’

Kimberly Williams-Paisley and Ashley Williams did their first Instagram Live in two years on September 21. During their live video, they talked about everything from health issues to Williams’ new movie with Paul Campbell, “Falling Together.”

Williams opened up about how one moment from the movie actually happened to her in real life and left her “crying on the bathroom floor.”

Williams Was Devastated When No One Came to Her Party After She Moved to New York

In the movie “Falling Together,” Williams’ character throws a chili party after she moves into an apartment building building in Pittsburgh. No one comes to her party, although Campbell’s character does stop in briefly to make a maintenance fix.

Williams said this scene was inspired by a similar situation that happened when she first moved to New York. She said in her Instagram Live that she tried to throw a chili party for all her new neighbors, and she was devastated when no one showed up but her friend who there for about 20 minutes at the very beginning of the event.

“It was terrible,” Williams recalled. “I moved to New York and was having trouble making friends in the building… There was this divide with the people… (I thought) all they need is to just come over and they’re gonna just love us … (I made) three different pots of three different kinds of chili… I printed out a flyer and I put them all over by the mailboxes, in the elevator, all over the bottom floor… Basically no one came… I was crying on the bathroom floor.”

Williams said that a friend called her on Facetime and was scared when he saw her face, thinking something terrible had happened to one of her family members. After realizing what had really happened, her friend promised her that she’d find this funny someday, she said.

Later when talking to a Hallmark executive, she mentioned the party and they realized it would make a great premise for a Hallmark movie, she shared.

The movie about a woman who joins the Walk to End Alzheimer’s in order to make friends and finds love around the same time.

The movie has a special meaning to Wiliams. Her and Williams-Paisley’s mother died in 2016 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s, Williams revealed in a Medium post. Williams-Paisley said their mother was diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia. About 40% of those cases are caused by Alzheimer’s, Brain and Life reported.

“(The movie) is a love story for our mom too,” Williams-Paisley said during their Instagram Live.

“I really think she would have loved this movie,” Williams agreed.

They Also Discussed Kimberly Williams-Paisley’s Health Battle

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During their Intsagram Live, the sisters also talked about Williams-Paisley’s health battle, which was the reason they hadn’t done an Instagram Live in two years.

Williams-Paisley shared in a social media post on August 17, 2024, that she had a three-hour surgery to repair her vocal cords after losing her voice to a damaged laryngeal nerve. Her first symptoms came on, she said in the Instagram Live, while she was hosting a Dance Party to End ALZ event.

“This was an event that I had done for four years and this was our fifth year…” she said. “It’s my turn to speak first and I literally open my mouth and no sound came out… The crowd just got silent… You could hear a pin drop… You (Ashley) had to take the whole speech…”

She said she was panicking because she had lost her voice and needed to speak more at the event.

“We pulled it off, but then I cried basically for the rest of the night…” Williams-Paisley said. “It was the beginning of a really long journey.”

She said she did everything from physical to mental therapy, trying all different kinds of medications and supplements, but nothing worked.

“There was a lot of self blame and self shame through the whole thing,” she said.

But doctors still aren’t certain what caused the nerve damage. She said it was likely damage from viruses, but they’re not positive.

Williams-Paisley said her official diagnosis started out as muscle tension dysphonia in her vocal cords. But they later learned the tension happened because she had damage to her laryngeal nerve, which affected her vocal cords. The three-hour surgery she had in August plumped up her paralyzed vocal cord so she could speak again.

Williams-Paisley said she would love to make movies again someday, now that she’s had this surgery.

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