The USS Hornet Sea, Air & Space Museum is proud to present CarrierCon! This convention from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. this Saturday celebrating cosplay, tabletop gaming and Western and Japanese media is an opportunity for people of all ages to share their love of cosplay and pop culture media while supporting a local museum.
CarrierCon is a special event in which the USS Hornet museum engages with new audiences and broadens awareness of the museum (a former World War II U.S. Navy ship) and its mission of education and preservation of history and science. All fandoms are welcome to not only enjoy one of the most unique conventions in the United States but to discover the USS Hornet in a way entirely unique to them.
The convention will feature multiple panels, an artists alley of topical vendors, special guests, a cosplay contest, cosplay meetups, special photo tracks and much more. New this year will be an after-hours V-Tuber concert. For more information and tickets, visit online.
Museum to observe National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Please join the USS Hornet as the museum observes National Vietnam War Veterans Day with a special program March 29. Doors will open at 10 a.m., and the main event will start at 11 a.m.
The featured guest speaker will be author Darren Walton, who wrote “Di Di Mau” about his experiences in Vietnam. Brought to you in partnership with American Legion Post 647, the Alameda County Veterans Affairs Commision and the Vietnam Veterans of America Bay Area Chapter 400.
Veterans and active-duty personnel will have free admission. The USS Hornet Memorial Squadron will conduct a flyover of the ship at about 1 p.m. For more details, visit online.
— USS Hornet
Kiwanis Club bestows its 2025 Hope of America awards
On March 12, the Kiwanis Club of Alameda (KCA) celebrated nine exceptional eighth-graders as 2025 Hope of America awardees.
The club invited the students, their teachers and their families to a luncheon held at the Elks Lodge in Alameda. Vice Mayor Michele Pryor and Ryan LaLonde, the Alameda Unified School District’s vice president, presented their congratulations, with each student receiving a plaque from KCA President Dawna Dowdell-Dos Santos and an official certificate from Alameda’s mayor.
The Hope of America award is given to outstanding eighth-grade students who continuously demonstrate leadership, character, peer outreach, community service and school spirit. Every school in Alameda with an eighth-grade class invites teachers to nominate students matching these criteria. These young people inspire their peers to respect and welcome all students. For more information, visit online.

Alameda Boys & Girls Club to celebrate 75 years on May 3
Since 1949, the Alameda Boys & Girls Club (ABGC) has provided a safe, nurturing environment for youth to learn and grow.
Through academic support, athletic and creative arts programs, the ABGC has shaped thousands of young lives. Join the organization May 3 in Oakland as it celebrates and honors it legacy of 75 years of impact and looks ahead to a brighter future. Together, “Imagination Blooms Here.” For more details or to get tickets by April 16, visit online.
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