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2 Provident Hospital staffers released from hospital after stabbing

Two Provident Hospital staff members who were hospitalized after a stabbing Monday afternoon at the Bronzeville hospital have been released.

“This situation had the potential to be tragic, and it is thanks to the quick and decisive actions of our staff that further harm was prevented,” Erik Mikaitis, CEO of Cook County Health, said in a statement. “Incidents like this are deeply unsettling and are sadly indicative of increasing violence against health care professionals.”

A man stabbed the first victim, a 56-year-old man, in the chest with a “sharp object,” about 1 p.m. Monday, Chicago police said. Cook County Health officials confirmed the victim was a staff member and said another employee was also injured.

The 56-year-old was taken to University of Chicago Medical Center initially in fair condition, police said. He and the other victim had their conditions stabilized, a hospital spokesperson told the Sun-Times.

“It is imperative that we recognize the strain this puts on our health care delivery system and the dedicated professionals who have devoted their careers to caring for others,” Mikaitis said in the statement. “I want to extend my deepest appreciation to our entire Provident Hospital team for their unwavering commitment to the health and safety of our community.”

Additional security and support are being provided for Provident staff.

The alleged assailant was arrested, police said. An investigation is ongoing.

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