Sun: Prince Harry ‘probably misses’ living in the UK & could bring his family back!

We learned this week that the Heritage Foundation is still pursuing access to Prince Harry’s visa records. In essence, Heritage is continuing their pursuit of Harry’s deportation from the US. I’ve believed all along that Heritage’s actions are part of a high-level effort within the British establishment to harm the Sussexes, to make them feel unsafe, to actually put them in danger, and to squeeze Harry (and Harry alone) into returning to the UK by any means. I’m sure there are variations on the plan, but the basic thread is: find a way to force Harry to leave America, ensure that he’s in so much danger that he has to crawl back to the Windsors and beg them for help, and then force him to stay in the UK as a broken man. They’d rather do all of that instead of just apologizing to the Sussexes and offering them security for whenever they want to visit. In the meantime, they’re still trying to convince themselves that Harry actually *wants* to come back (so they’re essentially forcing him to do something he wants, right?).

A royal expert has hinted that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry could be eyeing up a shocking move back to Britain. The couple stepped down as senior royals five years ago in January 2020 before eventually moving to their new life in California. However, there are now rumours the pair could make a shocking return to the UK.

Speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive Show, Royal Correspondent at Bronte Coy said she believes Prince Harry could be drawn back to Britain. She said: “A lot of things have changed in the past five years and it’s entirely possible that, with some reflection, there’s a big part of him wondering if there’s a way to bring the UK back into his life.”

The expert was reacting to a comment quoted from a friend of the prince that read: “The goal for Prince Harry is simple. He wants to ensure the safety of himself and his family while in the UK so his children can know his home country and so he can help his patronages and their important work.”

It has led many to question whether the couple’s decision to abandon the UK five years ago could finally be reversed. Bronte said: “When they left, they left in such a passionate blaze of glory – they were so disheartened and bruised by the situation they’d had back here. With all these things, once the dust settles and the emotion gets taken out of it a bit, the reality is he loves his home country – he talked about it in his memoir. After a few years, he probably just very much misses it.”

She also spoke of how the birth of the couple’s second child Princess Lilibet could be a factor in wanting to come back to the UK. The expert added: “He’s probably looking at those children and thinking about the fact they haven’t spent time getting to know their roots. That includes the Spencer family as well as they’re based here in the UK.”

[From The Sun]

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This is why I sort of wish (sometimes) that Harry would give up the security fight in the UK – he’s leaving this opening for these trashbags to claim that he secretly wants to come back. The situation he has currently with his security is fine for his brief visits and clearly, Meghan doesn’t even want to go back after the way they treated her. All of the royalists take Harry’s security fight as some kind of signal that Harry hates living in America and that he’s desperate to come back. They always conveniently ignore how many times he’s been asked point-blank about whether he would ever “come back” and how many times he’s said no, America is his home and he’s not leaving.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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