‘Sister Wives’ Trailer: Meri Brown Questions Her Bond with Robyn Brown

<p id=”par-1_57″>Season 19 of <em><a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/tag/sister-wives/”>Sister Wives</a></em> will return in April with a wrap-up and plenty of tell-all episodes. The network recently released a trailer for the upcoming episodes. The video proves there is still plenty of drama and hurt feelings to unpack. Meri Brown, specifically, appears ready to face the fact that <a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/news/sister-wives-the-real-reason-robyn-brown-will-never-leave-kody-brown.html/”>Robyn Brown’s motives</a> were never pure.</p>

<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-meri-brown-calls-robyn-brown-s-behavior-into-question-in-new-sister-wives-trailer”>Meri Brown calls Robyn Brown’s behavior into question in new ‘Sister Wives’ trailer</h2>

<p id=”par-2_84″>It took Meri decades to get the memo that Kody Brown would never be interested in <a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/news/meri-brown-highlights-kody-browns-cruel-pettiness-with-new-story.html/”>working on their marriage</a>. It looks like it is taking her far less time to acknowledge just how horrible Robyn Brown has been to her. In a promo shared on <a href=”https://www.instagram.com/reel/DHbOkYbseDK/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Instagram</a>, Meri Brown reveals that she is questioning Robyn Brown’s motives and whether they were ever actually friends. In the same trailer, Robyn insisted she always had Meri’s best interest at heart, but exactly no one believes her.</p>

<figure class=”wp-block-image size-full” id=”emb-1″><img decoding=”async” fetchpriority=”high” width=”1600″ height=”800″ src=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/meri-and-robyn-brown.jpg?strip=all&quality=89″ alt=”Meri and Robyn Brown in a screengrab from TLC’s ‘Sister Wives.'” class=”wp-image-3406478″><figcaption class=”wp-element-caption”>Meri and Robyn Brown of ‘Sister Wives’ | TLC</figcaption></figure>

<p id=”par-3_71″>The trailer for the upcoming season isn’t the first time Meri Brown questioned Robyn Brown’s interest in maintaining any sort of relationship, both when they were sister wives and after her marriage to Kody Brown ended. In previous seasons, she was a bit more<a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/news/sister-wives-meri-brown-cryptic-message-strike-fear-kody-brown-heart.html/”> cryptic about her concerns. </a>The trailer is the first time she seemed to question her motives so blatantly. It looks like distance has given her some clarity.</p>

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<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-christine-brown-s-kids-inadvertently-prove-that-robyn-never-was-on-meri-brown-s-side”>Christine Brown’s kids inadvertently prove that Robyn never was on Meri Brown’s “side”</h2>

<p id=”par-4_70″>Robyn Brown insists that she has always had “Meri’s back,” but there is absolutely nothing in the show’s 19 years of footage to back up that claim. In fact, there is a lot of video evidence to prove that the opposite is true. There is also testimony from family members to prove <a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/news/sister-wives-robyn-brown-snowballing-big-lie-season-1.html/”>Robyn Brown is lying</a>. Several Brown kids inadvertently revealed just how much Robyn did not have “Meri’s back.”</p>

<figure class=”wp-block-image size-full” id=”emb-2″><img decoding=”async” src=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Sister-Wives-Season-19-Brown-Family-1.webp?strip=all&quality=80″ alt=”Portrait of the Brown family, with Kody and Robyn behind and above Meri, Christine, and Janelle” class=”wp-image-3791078″><figcaption class=”wp-element-caption”>‘Sister Wives’ | TLC </figcaption></figure>

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<p id=”par-5_65″>In 2023, Paedon Brown, Christine Brown’s only son, sat for a very strange and disjointed interview with <a target=”_blank” href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xyLJSINhKw” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>John Yates</a>. In that interview, Paedon claimed Robyn Brown “exposed” Meri Brown as abusive. Mykelti Padron, who sided with Robyn following her parents’ divorce, made similar claims. Neither Paedon nor Mykelti have elaborated on their claims, and several other Brown children appear to maintain close bonds with Meri.</p>

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