<p id=”par-1_70″><em><a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/tag/sister-wives/”>Sister Wives</a></em> has captivated audiences for nearly 15 years, offering an in-depth look at the complex relationships within Kody Brown’s polygamous family. However, as the show films its 20th season, fans are left questioning whether this could be the final chapter for the Browns. With strained relationships and growing tensions among the family members, here’s why Season 20 might be the Brown family’s last stand and why it’s long overdue.</p>
<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-a-history-of-family-struggles-culminates-in-sister-wives-season-20″>A history of family struggles culminates in ‘Sister Wives’ Season 20</h2>
<p id=”par-2_54″>Throughout <em>Sister Wives</em> history, the Brown family has faced both public and private challenges. Rather than uniting his family, Kody Brown, as the patriarch, fueled feelings of jealousy, neglect, and betrayal between his wives: Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn. Throughout 19 seasons, it became increasingly evident that Kody’s relationships with his wives were deteriorating.</p>
<p id=”par-3_79″>As the series approaches Season 20, the cracks in the family’s foundation have become even more visible. Kody’s once seemingly balanced relationship with his wives has now shifted dramatically. In the early seasons, viewers saw Kody attempting to divide his attention equally among his wives, but now, his focus has largely <a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/news/sister-wives-robyn-brown-kody-only-wife-favorite.html/?swcfpc=1″>shifted to Robyn</a>, the only wife who remains fully invested in the marriage. Meanwhile, Meri, Janelle, and Christine have moved away from both Kody and the polygamous lifestyle.</p>
<p id=”par-4_60″>The family’s breakdown intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic, as <a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/news/sister-wives-irony-kody-brown-robyn-table-scraps.html/?swcfpc=1″>Kody prioritized</a> building a closer bond with Robyn, leaving the other wives without emotional or financial support. This shift in attention sparked an emotional spiral, as <a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/news/sister-wives-most-horrible-things-kody-brown-done.html/?swcfpc=1″>Kody’s behavior</a> grew increasingly erratic. His frustration mounted, leading to confrontations with Meri, Janelle, Christine, and their children, further exacerbating the rifts within the family.</p>
<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-christine-s-departure-led-kody-to-desperately-try-to-hold-onto-his-power”>Christine’s departure led Kody to desperately try to hold onto his power </h2>
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<p id=”par-5_61″>One of the biggest shake-ups in <em>Sister Wives</em> history came in 2021 when Christine Brown decided to leave Kody after over 25 years of marriage. Her exit marked a turning point for the Browns, revealing that what viewers saw on camera didn’t tell the full story of what was happening behind the scenes between Kody, Christine, Meri, Janelle, and Robyn Brown.</p>
<p id=”par-6_72″>As <em>Sister Wives</em> documented the fallout, it became clear that Kody was more upset about losing control over Christine than about her actual departure. In his desperation, Kody lashed out, attempting to turn the other wives against Christine by claiming she was the one tearing the family apart. However, the reality was that Kody had already fractured the family years earlier by prioritizing Robyn and her children while neglecting his other wives.</p>
<p id=”par-7_41″>Christine’s decision to leave wasn’t sudden. It had been building for years as she grew increasingly dissatisfied with Kody’s lack of emotional support. As <em>Sister Wives</em> Season 20 progresses, fans are likely to witness the ongoing fallout from Christine’s departure. </p>
<p id=”par-8_33″>Kody and Robyn’s future remains uncertain. Christine, Meri, and Janelle are reportedly preparing to take legal action against Kody for child support and to settle their claims on their shared property, Coyote Pass.</p>
<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-sister-wives-future-hangs-in-the-balance”>‘Sister Wives’ future hangs in the balance </h2>
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<p id=”par-9_44″>As filming for <em>Sister Wives</em> Season 20 continues, it’s clear that the future of the show is uncertain. Kody Brown’s strained relationships with his ex-wives and children persist, and without a cohesive family storyline to unite the adults, the series faces an unpredictable future.</p>
<p id=”par-10_37″>Meri Brown remains emotionally distant from both Kody and Robyn, while Janelle’s growing frustration with Kody’s behavior has caused increasing tension. Meanwhile, Christine is continuing her fight for sole custody of her and Kody’s daughter, Truely Brown.</p>
<p id=”par-11_25″>It’s about time this show comes to an end. No longer is it about a group of adults focused on their shared family and faith.</p>
<p id=”par-12_53″>Today, <em>Sister Wives</em> has turned into a show about greed, betrayal, dishonesty, and heartbreak. Severed relationships with children, tragic losses, gluttony, and other elements of the show are so far from where the Brown family began on their reality TV journey that it’s time to pull the curtain down on them for good.</p>
<p id=”par-13_47″>However, this shouldn’t happen without some real closure for fans, who have watched their evolution for years. Hopefully, Season 20 will be the show’s last and with it, some real answers to questions regarding some of the more nefarious acts that have taken place in the series.</p>
<p id=”par-14_51″>Whether the Brown family will find a way to repair their fractured relationships or decide to go their separate ways entirely, one thing is certain: Season 20 will be a defining moment for the show’s future. Fans will be left on edge, eagerly awaiting how the family navigates this turbulent chapter.</p>
<p id=”par-15_12″><em>Sister Wives</em> returns to TLC on April 20, 2025, at 10 p.m.</p>