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Queen Camilla wants Charles to avoid meeting Prince Harry during his visit

Before Prince Harry arrived in London back in May, he contacted his father’s office about a possible meeting while they were both in town. King Charles and/or his courtiers rejected this meeting privately, and Harry issued a public statement saying that he would not see his father due to the king’s “full program this week.” Charles then pranced around a garden party and handed a military appointment to William. Not only that, but Charles went on the attack for weeks, screaming about how Harry should have begged him for a meeting and even then, Charles still would have rejected him because Charles hates Harry and so does Camilla! It was all very childish and chaotic from Buckingham Palace and a reminder that Charles and Camilla do not have the temperament to be in charge of anything. Well, Harry is due in London on Monday for the WellChild Awards. So obviously, Charles and Camilla are making Harry’s visit all about their immature psychodrama.

Camilla wants Charles to skip meeting Harry: King Charles III would like to meet with his son, Prince Harry, when he visits the U.K. next week, but is weighing counsel from advisers, including his wife, that it would be unwise to do so. Queen Camilla wants Charles to skip a meeting with Harry to avoid stress as he fights cancer, one of her friends told The Daily Beast.

Charles plans to be in Scotland during Harry’s visit: However, Charles will be in Scotland next week, The Daily Beast has confirmed, and has no intention of traveling, while Harry is expected to be based in London. It is not impossible, of course, that Harry could travel to Scotland if invited. He is certainly capable of traveling around the U.K.; last time Harry was in the country he spent a night at his mother’s ancestral home, Althorp, and, as The Daily Beast exclusively revealed, visited her grave, which is located on an island on the sprawling country estate.

Of course Harry’s team would not confirm any of this?? Harry’s team would not confirm to The Daily Beast when he is arriving into the U.K., where he is staying, or how long he is planning to be on British soil. The awards ceremony, which honors seriously ill children and is one of Harry’s most important causes, is scheduled for Monday evening.

Charles wants to heal the relationship he destroyed: Meanwhile Charles, reminded of his mortality following his diagnosis with cancer for which he is undergoing grueling treatment, would like to heal the relationship with Harry both for personal reasons and to ease pressure on the monarchy itself, a friend says. The friend said: “The king has an instinctive impulse towards Christian reconciliation, and his cancer diagnosis has only sharpened that. He wants this settled, not just because he loves both his sons, but because it has been so destabilizing for the monarchy.”

The security issue: However the king is understood to feel his hands are tied by the constitutional awkwardness that might arise if Harry were to directly lobby him over his security provision. His son and heir Prince William’s very clear views on the matter of his brother are also part of the king’s calculations about how and when any reconciliation might be effected. Although William sent birthday greetings to Harry recently, the two brothers are completely estranged and no longer speak as a result of William’s fury of what he sees as Harry’s betrayal of him and wife Kate Middleton in his memoir.

Camilla hates Harry: Camilla is said by friends to be one of those who has not encouraged a meeting with Harry, as she does not want her husband to be subjected to unnecessary stress before his trip to Australia in mid-October, ahead of which he is gathering his strength at Birkhall, his retreat in the Scottish Highlands. The friend of Camilla said: “She has been the principal voice urging Charles to slow down and take things easy. The last thing she wants him to do is to get stressed out over a meeting with Harry.”

Camilla is now telling people that she saw Harry in February too: The Daily Beast understands that Camilla was also present at the meeting, marking the first time they had spoken face to face since he cast toxic aspersions on her in his memoir and in interviews promoting it, saying she was prepared to leave “bodies in the street” in her quest to be made queen. Harry did not apologize to her at that encounter for his remarks, The Daily Beast has been told by a friend of Camilla’s.

[From The Daily Beast]

Camilla has been telling lies and briefing the press about Harry’s February visit since the very day it happened. I still believe that it was one of the rare moments that Charles told Camilla to get out, that he wanted to have a private conversation with Harry. Camilla’s behavior indicates as much – she’s still pissed that she was thrown out of the meeting, and she’s been demanding that Charles refuse to see Harry ever since. And now Camilla is huffing about how Harry didn’t apologize to her. WHY WOULD HE? If anything, Harry went a lot easier on her than he could have. Anyway, all of this is about Camilla and what she wants. Charles is too weak to stand up to Camilla AND the courtiers who want to see him isolated and estranged from his son.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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